Handles credential exchange for a token in Tazama.
git clone https://github.com/frmscoe/auth-service
cd auth-service
You then need to configure your environment: a sample configuration file has been provided and you may adapt that to your environment. Copy it to .env
and modify as needed:
cp .env.template .env
A registry of environment variables is provided to provide more context for what each variable is used for.
Variable | Purpose | Example |
Base URL where KeyCloak is hosted | https://keycloak.example.com:8080 |
KeyCloak Realm for Tazama | tazama |
KeyCloak defined client for auth-lib | auth-lib-client |
The secret of the KeyCloak client | someClientGeneratedSecret123 |
The pem file path for signing Tazama tokens | /path/to/private-key.pem |
npm i
npm run build
npm run start
Login using Username and Password to receive a Tazama token.
- Method: POST
- URL:
- Headers:
Content-Type: application/json
- Body:
"username": "testUser",
"password": "testUserPassword"
- Status Code: 200 OK
- Content-Type: application/json
- Body:
actor Person_OR_Service_APP as Person/Service
actor Operator as Operator
participant Auth_Service as Auth-Service
participant Auth_Provider as KeyCloak
Person_OR_Service_APP ->> Auth_Service: 1. Login request with credentials
Auth_Service ->> Auth_Provider: Exchange credentials by token
alt Invalid Credentials
Auth_Provider ->> Auth_Service: ERR: Invalid Credentials
Auth_Service ->> Person_OR_Service_APP: ERR: 401 Not Authorized
Auth_Provider ->> Auth_Service: Receive token in ext format
Auth_Service ->> Person_OR_Service_APP: Token issuance in Tazama format
Ensure generated token has read package rights
Ensure that you're on the current LTS version of Node.JS