This repo contains tensorflow 2 implementation of a zero-shot sim2real method for deep drone racing.
In addition, tensorflow lite model conversion is also featured.
The available code scripts are used to train and evaluate various ResNet based models.
The manuscript accompanying this work also attached, and a small portion of the data for fast activation and sanity check.
This work was performed on the basis of the UZH, Robotics and Perception Group.
The relevant published paper is the: Deep Drone Racing: From Simulation to Reality with Domain Randomization.
For more information visit their project page. The repo can be found at
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
This code was tested with various operating systems with python 3.6.9:
- Ubuntu 18.04
- Windows 10, 64 bit
- MacOS Catalina
The code also runs on Jetson TX2, for which all dependencies need to be installed via NVIDIA JetPack SDK.
In order to set the virtual environment, apriori installation of Anaconda3 platform is required.
Use the following commands to create a new working virtual environment with all the required dependencies.
CPU based enviroment:
git clone
cd Deep_Learning_TAU
conda env create -f tf2_cpu.yml
conda activate tf2_cpu
pip install -r pip_requirements_cpu.txt
GPU based enviroment:
git clone
cd Deep_Learning_TAU
conda env create -f tf2_gpu.yml
conda activate tf2_gpu
pip install -r pip_requirements_gpu.txt
In order to utilize the GPU implementation make sure your hardware and operation system are compatible for tensorflow 2 with python 3
- Ubuntu 18.4:
Run the shell
- Windows 10:
Download the training data from:
Download the validation data from:
Create "Data" folder and place it in the project's directory.
Unzip each dataset into the "Data" directory. - MacOS Catalina:
Run the shell
Create a "test_data" folder and place it within the "Data" directory. Place your test data inside.
Before training the model, possible modification can be done in the CommonFlags
script under the following comments:
- Train parameters
- Train Optimizer Params
- Network name (modify to choose custom training)
In order to initiate trainining, sevral experiment regimes are possible and need to be tuned in the train
Experiment_num = 0
: run ResNet8 model with Adam optimizer and=0.1.
Experiment_num = 1
: run ResNet8 model with=0.1 for each defined optimizer. Currently defined are Adam,SGD, Adadelta and Adagrad optimizers.
Experiment_num = 2
: run ResNet8 model with Adam optimizer for multiplevalues. For each
the model is trained for multiple number of epochs.
Experiment_num = 3
: run ResNet8, ResNet7 and TC-ResNet8 with Adam optimizer=0.1.
Execute training by running:
Before testing the model, several option changes can be done in the CommonFlags
script under the following comments:
Network name
Testing parameters
Another issue is the amount of epochs the model was trained currently there are 3 models that was trained for 300 epochs in the case one retrain the model adjust appropretly in the
:- Train parameters
- Train Optimizer Params
Execute testing by running:
In order to perform inference over the saved model, several options can be first tuned in the CommonFlags
script under the following comments:
- Network name
- Another issue is the amount of epochs the model was trained currently there are 3 models that was trained for 300 epochs in the case one retrain the model adjust appropretly in the
:- Train parameters
- Train Optimizer Params
In addition, the image size should be set in the script.
Execute inference by running:
If the inference part is required over an embedded-gpu hardware for actual UAV applications, then make sure to use communication based ROS2 that support python 3.
The code works as expected, but in order to activate it on the Jetson TX2 one should install all the right dependencies via NVIDIA-SDK Manager; For more details please refer to the document: Articles/DL_TAU.pdf in the repository.
- TF-2 implementation
- TF-Lite conversion
- Build ResNet8, ResNet7 & TC-ResNet8
- Data analysis code
- Clean code
- Inference implementation
- Jetson TX2 implementation
- David Sriker - [email protected]
- Lidor Karako - [email protected]