Releases: tanaes/opentrons_functions
Improved bead mix functionality
Often, magbead buffers are quite viscous and/or dense relative to the buffers with which they are meant to mix.
Here, I've added the mix_lift
argument to the bead_mix
function to allow specification of tip lift behavior during mixing. mix_lift
should be an int or float specifying the number of mm to lift the tip after aspirating and before dispensing in the mix step. mix_lift
is added to z_offset
, which specifies the height in mm above the bottom of the tube from which to aspirate.
Minor behavior bugfix: test error and touch tip on transfer
For viscous reagent transfers, such as washing with PEG, the add_buffer
command should be able to invoke the touch_tip behavior.
Also fixed an erroneously written test.
More bugs
Fixed a bug in the buffer addition logic that could result in early shift to additional source columns when a transfer would result in a remaining volume == dead volume.
omg bugssss
prerelease-v0.2.3 bumped version for pip
prerelease-v0.2.2 added requests to install
Dev -- testing bead mix fixes
prerelease-v0.2.1 pulled master
Additional functions
Added magplate-specific bead elution function and robot renaming function.
Prerelease v0.2.0
Forgot to update for pip
Prerelease v0.1.0
This is the initial prerelease, suitable for installation and testing on an Opentrons OT-2 robot.