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This repository was archived by the owner on May 25, 2022. It is now read-only.

Releases: taliyos/Form2RoleBot

Form2RoleBot v0.3.5

15 Jan 05:40
Choose a tag to compare

Reminder: Make a backup of your configuration files to ensure that it's easy to transfer over to the new version!

Important Notice

There was recently a change to Discord's bot permissions. In order for the bot to function, the option, "Server Members Intent", must be enabled. Without it, the bot can't retrieve the list of users on the server.


  • Updated libraries to their latest version
  • This includes Discord.NET 3.1.0, which implements the new Discord API restrictions
    As an additional notice, your previous configuration files are still compatible with this version.


  • Added support to PM users after successfully changing either the role or nickname. (#29)
    This message is set using the new configuration option, "PMSuccess"
    If the user changes the form after being verified, such that a role is added or a nickname is changed, another message will be sent.
    See README for further instructions.
  • Small optimizations


  • Added support for "NicknameOnly", which will only set the nickname with no role changes. (#28)
    See README for instructions on use.

Changing the nickname doesn't work if the user's role is greater than the bot's role on the discord server.


  • "AutoRole" option added to config.json. The role specified here will automatically be added to every person who is included on the attached Google Sheet.

Expect there to be small instabilities with this update. If you experience any, open an issue explaining the issue and the steps needed to reproduce it


  • Fixed issue where the RoleGroups would confuse column number when a role was skipped
  • Changed the way RoleGroups find roles to improve performance in some circumstances
  • Bot now actually waits until connection before trying to update roles


  • API Update! All APIs have been updated to their newest versions
  • RoleGroups overhaul! They now work on a per column basis, meaning that roles must be specified for each column. If a role is set to"None" or "" in the linked Google Form, the previous role will be removed. if you're using the same config files, remove the RoleGroups.json file since the new version is not compatible with previous versions.
  • Fixed a bug where some users wouldn't be found if the server was too large
  • Bot waits until connected before trying to update roles
  • Launch with the "--verbose" command to run in verbose mode (Use this when sending in bug reports/issues)
  • Various other bug fixes


  • Roles are now properly removed from the queue when they're already assigned or interfere with roleGroups.json
  • Other small bug fixes


  • Only changed roles are updated, making the bot quicker
  • New roles are created if they can't be found
  • roleGroups.json, a new configuration file, can be used to define overlapping roles. A user can only have one of these roles. If they already have 1, the one they have will be removed and the new one will be added.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes

Many features were pushed back to v1.0.0, including a GUI, Discord ID storage for better recognition, and various QoL adjustments.


  • Asks for required information on first load
  • Delay changed from seconds to minutes
  • Whitespace is removed when comparing users
  • Miscellaneous Bug Fixes

Side Note: This update is long overdue. Was going to put more into it, but I got lazy. v1.0.0 is gonna be great though. Just you wait and see. :)


  • Custom delays are now possible and is modifiable from the config.json file. The delay is specified in seconds. (#2)
    "UpdateDelay": 3600
  • Some console messages have been slightly modified to be more informative.
  • Executable changed from "DiscordBot.exe" to "Form2RoleBot.exe"


  • Fixed an issue that prevented the auto-update from functioning properly. (#1)


Follow the readme on this repo or the one in the download to set-up properly.

You will need:

  • a Discord Developer Bot User (
  • a Google Developers Console API Key (
  • a Google Sheets ID (the string of characters found in the url)

Remember to modify the configuration files or it won't run.

  • Specifically, the bot token (Config.json), SpreadsheetID (googleConfig.json), Range (googleConfig.json), and the API Key (googleConfig.json)

Form2Role Bot v0.3.4

23 Oct 21:46
Choose a tag to compare

Reminder: Make a backup of your configuration files to ensure that it's easy to transfer over to the new version!

Important Notice

There was recently a change to Discord's bot permissions. In order for the bot to function, the option, "Server Members Intent", must be enabled. Without it, the bot can't retrieve the list of users on the server.


  • Added support to PM users after successfully changing either the role or nickname. (#29)
    This message is set using the new configuration option, "PMSuccess"
    If the user changes the form after being verified, such that a role is added or a nickname is changed, another message will be sent.
    See README for further instructions.
  • Small optimizations


  • Added support for "NicknameOnly", which will only set the nickname with no role changes. (#28)
    See README for instructions on use.

Changing the nickname doesn't work if the user's role is greater than the bot's role on the discord server.


  • "AutoRole" option added to config.json. The role specified here will automatically be added to every person who is included on the attached Google Sheet.

Expect there to be small instabilities with this update. If you experience any, open an issue explaining the issue and the steps needed to reproduce it


  • Fixed issue where the RoleGroups would confuse column number when a role was skipped
  • Changed the way RoleGroups find roles to improve performance in some circumstances
  • Bot now actually waits until connection before trying to update roles


  • API Update! All APIs have been updated to their newest versions
  • RoleGroups overhaul! They now work on a per column basis, meaning that roles must be specified for each column. If a role is set to"None" or "" in the linked Google Form, the previous role will be removed. if you're using the same config files, remove the RoleGroups.json file since the new version is not compatible with previous versions.
  • Fixed a bug where some users wouldn't be found if the server was too large
  • Bot waits until connected before trying to update roles
  • Launch with the "--verbose" command to run in verbose mode (Use this when sending in bug reports/issues)
  • Various other bug fixes


  • Roles are now properly removed from the queue when they're already assigned or interfere with roleGroups.json
  • Other small bug fixes


  • Only changed roles are updated, making the bot quicker
  • New roles are created if they can't be found
  • roleGroups.json, a new configuration file, can be used to define overlapping roles. A user can only have one of these roles. If they already have 1, the one they have will be removed and the new one will be added.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes

Many features were pushed back to v1.0.0, including a GUI, Discord ID storage for better recognition, and various QoL adjustments.


  • Asks for required information on first load
  • Delay changed from seconds to minutes
  • Whitespace is removed when comparing users
  • Miscellaneous Bug Fixes

Side Note: This update is long overdue. Was going to put more into it, but I got lazy. v1.0.0 is gonna be great though. Just you wait and see. :)


  • Custom delays are now possible and is modifiable from the config.json file. The delay is specified in seconds. (#2)
    "UpdateDelay": 3600
  • Some console messages have been slightly modified to be more informative.
  • Executable changed from "DiscordBot.exe" to "Form2RoleBot.exe"


  • Fixed an issue that prevented the auto-update from functioning properly. (#1)


Follow the readme on this repo or the one in the download to set-up properly.

You will need:

  • a Discord Developer Bot User (
  • a Google Developers Console API Key (
  • a Google Sheets ID (the string of characters found in the url)

Remember to modify the configuration files or it won't run.

  • Specifically, the bot token (Config.json), SpreadsheetID (googleConfig.json), Range (googleConfig.json), and the API Key (googleConfig.json)

Form2Role Bot v0.3.3

12 Oct 17:24
Choose a tag to compare

NEW WITH v0.3.3

  • Added support for "NicknameOnly", which will only set the nickname with no role changes. (#28)
    See README for instructions on use.

Changing the nickname doesn't work if the user's role is greater than the bot's role on the discord server.


  • "AutoRole" option added to config.json. The role specified here will automatically be added to every person who is included on the attached Google Sheet.

Expect there to be small instabilities with this update. If you experience any, open an issue explaining the issue and the steps needed to reproduce it


  • Fixed issue where the RoleGroups would confuse column number when a role was skipped
  • Changed the way RoleGroups find roles to improve performance in some circumstances
  • Bot now actually waits until connection before trying to update roles


  • API Update! All APIs have been updated to their newest versions
  • RoleGroups overhaul! They now work on a per column basis, meaning that roles must be specified for each column. If a role is set to"None" or "" in the linked Google Form, the previous role will be removed. if you're using the same config files, remove the RoleGroups.json file since the new version is not compatible with previous versions.
  • Fixed a bug where some users wouldn't be found if the server was too large
  • Bot waits until connected before trying to update roles
  • Launch with the "--verbose" command to run in verbose mode (Use this when sending in bug reports/issues)
  • Various other bug fixes


  • Roles are now properly removed from the queue when they're already assigned or interfere with roleGroups.json
  • Other small bug fixes


  • Only changed roles are updated, making the bot quicker
  • New roles are created if they can't be found
  • roleGroups.json, a new configuration file, can be used to define overlapping roles. A user can only have one of these roles. If they already have 1, the one they have will be removed and the new one will be added.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes

Many features were pushed back to v1.0.0, including a GUI, Discord ID storage for better recognition, and various QoL adjustments.


  • Asks for required information on first load
  • Delay changed from seconds to minutes
  • Whitespace is removed when comparing users
  • Miscellaneous Bug Fixes

Side Note: This update is long overdue. Was going to put more into it, but I got lazy. v1.0.0 is gonna be great though. Just you wait and see. :)


  • Custom delays are now possible and is modifiable from the config.json file. The delay is specified in seconds. (#2)
    "UpdateDelay": 3600
  • Some console messages have been slightly modified to be more informative.
  • Executable changed from "DiscordBot.exe" to "Form2RoleBot.exe"


  • Fixed an issue that prevented the auto-update from functioning properly. (#1)


Follow the readme on this repo or the one in the download to set-up properly.

You will need:

  • a Discord Developer Bot User (
  • a Google Developers Console API Key (
  • a Google Sheets ID (the string of characters found in the url)

Remember to modify the configuration files or it won't run.

  • Specifically, the bot token (Config.json), SpreadsheetID (googleConfig.json), Range (googleConfig.json), and the API Key (googleConfig.json)

Form2Role Bot v0.3.2

20 May 20:09
Choose a tag to compare

NEW WITH v0.3.2

  • "AutoRole" option added to config.json. The role specified here will automatically be added to every person who is included on the attached Google Sheet.

Expect there to be small instabilities with this update. If you experience any, open an issue explaining the issue and the steps needed to reproduce it

NEW WITH v0.3.1

  • Fixed issue where the RoleGroups would confuse column number when a role was skipped
  • Changed the way RoleGroups find roles to improve performance in some circumstances
  • Bot now actually waits until connection before trying to update roles

NEW WITH v0.3.0

  • API Update! All APIs have been updated to their newest versions
  • RoleGroups overhaul! They now work on a per column basis, meaning that roles must be specified for each column. If a role is set to"None" or "" in the linked Google Form, the previous role will be removed. if you're using the same config files, remove the RoleGroups.json file since the new version is not compatible with previous versions.
  • Fixed a bug where some users wouldn't be found if the server was too large
  • Bot waits until connected before trying to update roles
  • Launch with the "--verbose" command to run in verbose mode (Use this when sending in bug reports/issues)
  • Various other bug fixes

NEW WITH v0.2.1

  • Roles are now properly removed from the queue when they're already assigned or interfere with roleGroups.json
  • Other small bug fixes

NEW WITH v0.2.0

  • Only changed roles are updated, making the bot quicker
  • New roles are created if they can't be found
  • roleGroups.json, a new configuration file, can be used to define overlapping roles. A user can only have one of these roles. If they already have 1, the one they have will be removed and the new one will be added.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes

Many features were pushed back to v1.0.0, including a GUI, Discord ID storage for better recognition, and various QoL adjustments.

NEW WITH v0.1.3

  • Asks for required information on first load
  • Delay changed from seconds to minutes
  • Whitespace is removed when comparing users
  • Miscellaneous Bug Fixes

Side Note: This update is long overdue. Was going to put more into it, but I got lazy. v1.0.0 is gonna be great though. Just you wait and see. :)

NEW WITH v0.1.2

  • Custom delays are now possible and is modifiable from the config.json file. The delay is specified in seconds. (#2)
    "UpdateDelay": 3600
  • Some console messages have been slightly modified to be more informative.
  • Executable changed from "DiscordBot.exe" to "Form2RoleBot.exe"

NEW WITH v0.1.1

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the auto-update from functioning properly. (#1)


Follow the readme on this repo or the one in the download to set-up properly.

You will need:

  • a Discord Developer Bot User (
  • a Google Developers Console API Key (
  • a Google Sheets ID (the string of characters found in the url)

Remember to modify the configuration files or it won't run.

  • Specifically, the bot token (Config.json), SpreadsheetID (googleConfig.json), Range (googleConfig.json), and the API Key (googleConfig.json)

Form2Role Bot v0.3.0a3

07 Sep 00:33
Choose a tag to compare

NEW WITH v0.3.0a3

  • API Update! All APIs have been updated to their newest versions
  • Fixed a bug where some users wouldn't be found if the server was too large
  • Bot waits until connected before trying to update roles

NEW WITH v0.2.1

  • Roles are now properly removed from the queue when they're already assigned or interfere with roleGroups.json
  • Other small bug fixes

NEW WITH v0.2.0

  • Only changed roles are updated, making the bot quicker
  • New roles are created if they can't be found
  • roleGroups.json, a new configuration file, can be used to define overlapping roles. A user can only have one of these roles. If they already have 1, the one they have will be removed and the new one will be added.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes

Many features were pushed back to v1.0.0, including a GUI, Discord ID storage for better recognition, and various QoL adjustments.

NEW WITH v0.1.3

  • Asks for required information on first load
  • Delay changed from seconds to minutes
  • Whitespace is removed when comparing users
  • Miscellaneous Bug Fixes

Side Note: This update is long overdue. Was going to put more into it, but I got lazy. v1.0.0 is gonna be great though. Just you wait and see. :)

NEW WITH v0.1.2

  • Custom delays are now possible and is modifiable from the config.json file. The delay is specified in seconds. (#2)
    "UpdateDelay": 3600
  • Some console messages have been slightly modified to be more informative.
  • Executable changed from "DiscordBot.exe" to "Form2RoleBot.exe"

NEW WITH v0.1.1

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the auto-update from functioning properly. (#1)


Follow the readme on this repo or the one in the download to set-up properly.

You will need:

  • a Discord Developer Bot User (
  • a Google Developers Console API Key (
  • a Google Sheets ID (the string of characters found in the url)

Remember to modify the configuration files or it won't run.

  • Specifically, the bot token (Config.json), SpreadsheetID (googleConfig.json), Range (googleConfig.json), and the API Key (googleConfig.json)

Form2Role Bot v0.2.1

15 Oct 22:05
Choose a tag to compare

NEW WITH v0.2.1

  • Roles are now properly removed from the queue when they're already assigned or interfere with roleGroups.json
  • Other small bug fixes

NEW WITH v0.2.0

  • Only changed roles are updated, making the bot quicker
  • New roles are created if they can't be found
  • roleGroups.json, a new configuration file, can be used to define overlapping roles. A user can only have one of these roles. If they already have 1, the one they have will be removed and the new one will be added.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes

Many features were pushed back to v1.0.0, including a GUI, Discord ID storage for better recognition, and various QoL adjustments.

NEW WITH v0.1.3

  • Asks for required information on first load
  • Delay changed from seconds to minutes
  • Whitespace is removed when comparing users
  • Miscellaneous Bug Fixes

Side Note: This update is long overdue. Was going to put more into it, but I got lazy. v1.0.0 is gonna be great though. Just you wait and see. :)

NEW WITH v0.1.2

  • Custom delays are now possible and is modifiable from the config.json file. The delay is specified in seconds. (#2)
    "UpdateDelay": 3600
  • Some console messages have been slightly modified to be more informative.
  • Executable changed from "DiscordBot.exe" to "Form2RoleBot.exe"

NEW WITH v0.1.1

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the auto-update from functioning properly. (#1)


Follow the readme on this repo or the one in the download to set-up properly.

You will need:

  • a Discord Developer Bot User (
  • a Google Developers Console API Key (
  • a Google Sheets ID (the string of characters found in the url)

Remember to modify the configuration files or it won't run.

  • Specifically, the bot token (Config.json), SpreadsheetID (googleConfig.json), Range (googleConfig.json), and the API Key (googleConfig.json)

Form2Role Bot v0.2.0

15 Oct 00:14
Choose a tag to compare

NEW WITH v0.2.0

  • Only changed roles are updated, making the bot quicker
  • New roles are created if they can't be found
  • roleGroups.json, a new configuration file, can be used to define overlapping roles. A user can only have one of these roles. If they already have 1, the one they have will be removed and the new one will be added.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes

Many features were pushed back to v1.0.0, including a GUI, Discord ID storage for better recognition, and various QoL adjustments.

NEW WITH v0.1.3

  • Asks for required information on first load
  • Delay changed from seconds to minutes
  • Whitespace is removed when comparing users
  • Miscellaneous Bug Fixes

Side Note: This update is long overdue. Was going to put more into it, but I got lazy. v1.0.0 is gonna be great though. Just you wait and see. :)

NEW WITH v0.1.2

  • Custom delays are now possible and is modifiable from the config.json file. The delay is specified in seconds. (#2)
    "UpdateDelay": 3600
  • Some console messages have been slightly modified to be more informative.
  • Executable changed from "DiscordBot.exe" to "Form2RoleBot.exe"

NEW WITH v0.1.1

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the auto-update from functioning properly. (#1)


Follow the readme on this repo or the one in the download to set-up properly.

You will need:

  • a Discord Developer Bot User (
  • a Google Developers Console API Key (
  • a Google Sheets ID (the string of characters found in the url)

Remember to modify the configuration files or it won't run.

  • Specifically, the bot token (Config.json), SpreadsheetID (googleConfig.json), Range (googleConfig.json), and the API Key (googleConfig.json)

Form2Role Bot v.0.1.3

26 Sep 14:17
Choose a tag to compare

NEW WITH v0.1.3

  • Asks for required information on first load
  • Delay changed from seconds to minutes
  • Whitespace is removed when comparing users
  • Miscellaneous Bug Fixes

Side Note: This update is long overdue. Was going to put more into it, but I got lazy. v1.0.0 is gonna be great though. Just you wait and see. :)

NEW WITH v0.1.2

  • Custom delays are now possible and is modifiable from the config.json file. The delay is specified in seconds. (#2)
    "UpdateDelay": 3600
  • Some console messages have been slightly modified to be more informative.
  • Executable changed from "DiscordBot.exe" to "Form2RoleBot.exe"

NEW WITH v0.1.1

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the auto-update from functioning properly. (#1)


Follow the readme on this repo or the one in the download to set-up properly.

You will need:

  • a Discord Developer Bot User (
  • a Google Developers Console API Key (
  • a Google Sheets ID (the string of characters found in the url)

Remember to modify the configuration files or it won't run.

  • Specifically, the bot token (Config.json), SpreadsheetID (googleConfig.json), Range (googleConfig.json), and the API Key (googleConfig.json)

Form2Role Bot v0.1.2

24 Jul 00:46
Choose a tag to compare

NEW WITH v0.1.2

  • Custom delays are now possible and is modifiable from the config.json file. The delay is specified in seconds. (#2)
    "UpdateDelay": 3600
  • Some console messages have been slightly modified to be more informative.
  • Executable changed from "DiscordBot.exe" to "Form2RoleBot.exe"

NEW WITH v0.1.1

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the auto-update from functioning properly. (#1)


Follow the readme on this repo or the one in the download to set-up properly.

You will need:

  • a Discord Developer Bot User (
  • a Google Developers Console API Key (
  • a Google Sheets ID (the string of characters found in the url)

Remember to modify the configuration files or it won't run.

  • Specifically, the bot token (Config.json), SpreadsheetID (googleConfig.json), Range (googleConfig.json), and the API Key (googleConfig.json)

Form2Role Bot v0.1.1

22 Jul 19:49
Choose a tag to compare

NEW WITH v0.1.1

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the auto-update from functioning properly.

Follow the readme on the repo page to set-up properly.

You will need:

  • a Discord Developer Bot User (
  • a Google Developers Console API Key (
  • a Google Sheets ID (the string of characters found in the url)

Remember to modify the configuration files or it won't run.

  • Specifically, the bot token (Config.json), SpreadsheetID (googleConfig.json), Range (googleConfig.json), and the API Key (googleConfig.json)