This repository contains data of mapping performed on the August 9, 2019 and the evaluation notebooks
- Mapping_0809_all : Data diretory
- 20190809_mapping_all : the original directoy includes everything, for the archiving purpose
- online_data.csv : monitoring data before the mapping was started
- online_data09-08-19.csv : monitoring during the mapping measurements
- timing.csv : UNIX times of teh first measurement and the last measurement of each measurement cycle
- plots_u
- plots_v
- plots_0809_int_u
- plots_0809_int_v
- plots_0809_int_w
- plots_RUN4_u
- plots_RUN4_v
- plots_floor_2D_color
- plots_floor_gradients
- fall_run
- data_csv
- monitoring.ipynb : plots monitoring results during mapping
- nterpolation_test.ipynb : simple test of scipy interpolation library
- mapping_0809_3D.ipynb : exports 3D (2 geometrical + 1 magnetic component) plots
- mapping_0809_3D_2D_interpolation.ipynb : exports 3D (2 geometrical + 1 magnetic component) plots with interpolated points
- mapping_0809_3D_2D_interpolation_floor.ipynb : exports color plots of the B-field neasr the floor
- mapping_0809_3D_2D_interpolation_xyz.ipynb : exports 3D plots, studies the field properties near the SCM in detail
- mapping_0809_3D_2D_interpolation_xyz_conf.ipynb : makes a cross-sectional 3D field map. Made for a presentation at JPS meeting
- mapping_0809_3D_2D_interpolation_xyz_zoffset.ipynb : exports 3D plots, but z shifted so thaty floor level is z=0 (for presentation purpose)