This repository is of a semi-refined bundle for project of EC4209 Artificial Intelligence on 2016 Spring at GIST college, Korea. This algorithm and system is not for commerical or research use, just for course project. (Actually, the performance and efficiency is not good to that extend.)
Our main objective is to colorize a grayscale image from a given source image that has similar grayscale image, and paint in colors.
- Ubuntu 14.04
- GeForce GTX980Ti with 6GB VRAM
- Intel i5-3690k @4.2GHZ
- 16GB main RAM
- Cuda Toolkit 7.5 + cuDNN 5.0
- EBImage
- stats
- ggplot2
- graphics
- OpenCV3
- OpenCV3
- Tensorflow + tflearn
For detail, please read our final report.