Generate images with tweet-like appearance
pip3 install tweetmagick
Displaying the image and quitting without saving it can be done like so:
from tweetmagick import TweetGenerator
name = "harold"
longname = "stockmaster"
avatar = "harold.jpg"
text = "feeling pompous today, might delete later"
with TweetGenerator(name, longname, avatar, text) as tg:
method returns BytesIO object with png binary blob.
Below is the code that will save your image to a file:
from shutil import copyfileobj
with TweetGenerator(name, longname, avatar, text, theme="light") as tg:
with open("haroldtweets.png", "wb") as tweet:
copyfileobj(tg.tweetgen(), tweet)
Results in :
With dark
theme option:
Implement some streamlined method for embedding images in tweets.
Also some method for reply/quote images