Being stuck trying to decide what to watch is just annoying. Often times you spend more time looking for a movie or show than actually watching one!
DotWatch makes it easy to find a good movie or show based on community ratings and reviews.
DotWatch was a group project during Mod 2 of Flatiron School! The other members of the group are linked at the bottom of this ReadMe.
Implementing a like feature that allows a user to like another user's review.
Design of the content cards for films and shows, as well as user cards.
Conditional rendering of the option to edit or delete a review that you have written, without being able to edit or delete other users' content. DotWatch
Filter functionality of the films and shows based on their genres.
Built with Ruby on Rails for the front-end as well as the back-end.
Semantic UI was used to help with styling.
Utilized sessions to help with user experience.
Video Walkthrough: https://youtu.be/_0hLQohmqPg
Other Group Members: Joseph Auz | Sam Gorick | Isaac Medina