Below is the list of basic programs that I practiced while learning the Python Programming Language. It was during this time I started #30DaysOfCoding challenge and practiced Python continuously for 30 days.
Below is the list of organised basic Python Programs
- Introduction
- Basics
- Strings
- I-O Statements
- Operators
- Loops
- Pattern Programs (Loops)
- Lists
- Tuples
- Dictionary
- Nested Dictionary
- Functions
- Classes
- Special Class Functions
- Access Specifiers & Property
- Inheritence
- Diamond Problem in Inheritence
- Exceptions
- Handling Exceptions
- User-defined Exceptions
- Multi-Threading
- Threading module functions & Daemon Threads
- Thread Synchronisation
- File Handling
- Python MySQL
- Python MongoDB
- Socket Programming
- GUI Tkinter
- GUI Mini-Projects
- NumPy
- Python RegEx
- Flask Basics