- A tool for face morphing
- Algorithm is based on this website
- Basically, we firstly do face feature detection and then do Delaunay triangulation. Finally we blend corresponding traingular in two photos to target picture.
- Code is commented in detail
./MagicMorpher /path/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat /path/1.jpg /path/2.jpg /path/target.jpg 0.5 1 0
- First parameter is a pretrained facial landmark detector, you can download from http://dlib.net/files/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat.bz2
- Second parameter is the first photo to do morphing
- Third parameter is the second photo to do morphing
- Fourth parameter is target picture's file name
- Fifth parameter alpha is to which degree it agrees with first photo (between 0 and 1, with 1 most liking first photo)
- Sixth parameter is whether to add boundary,(0 or 1)
- Seventh parameter is whether in DemoMode,0 or 1. If 1, then the program will present middle result of feature detection and Delaunay triangulation, Otherwise not.
- opencv3.2.0
- dlib
- libjpeg
- If you want to compile locally, please modify header search paths, framework search paths and library search paths to adjust local opencv, dlib, libjpeg path
- FaceLandmarkGetter is to subtract face landmarks
- Trianglationer is to do Delaunay triangulation using face landmarks
- Finally in main.cpp we accomplish mapping to target image
- Not enough face landmark to do whole head reconstruction
- Lack of feature detection outside of face
- Need both photo to be front look and similar size