Those functions are for educational purposes only
As they may be bug or error prone, do not use them on real projects, or do your own checks
Disclaimer: I try to keep the 42 Style, but it's not normalized. Take it in consideration
- Help Usage, Default Target
- Build the archive (libft.a)
make all
- Build the archive (libft.a) without --silent flag
(For all recipes --silent flag is activated by default consider deactivating it if needed)
make all VERBOSE=y
- Testing a function
Build archive (libft.a) and a binary with the test for the function name
(see available mains at: test/main_*
(see available functions at: includes/source_list)
make MAIN=<functionName>
- Debugging
Make MAIN= with debug(-g), and sanitize flags
Only available with the main build
make MAIN=<functionName> DEBUG=y
- • Makefile
- •• isalpha
- •• isdigit
- •• isalnum
- •• isascii
- •• isprint
- •• strlen
- •• memset
- •• bzero
- •• memcpy
- •• memmove
- •• strlcpy
- •• strlcat
- •• toupper
- •• tolower
- •• strchr
- •• strrchr
- •• strncmp
- •• memchr
- •• memcmp
- •• strnstr
- •• atoi
- •• strdup
- •• calloc
- •• substr
- •• strjoin
- •• strtrim
- •• split
- •• itoa
- •• strmapi
- •• striteri
- •• putchar_fd
- •• putstr_fd
- •• putendl_fd
- •• putnbr_fd
- •• lstnew
- •• lstadd_front
- •• lstsize
- •• lstlast
- •• lstadd_back
- •• lstdelone
- •• lstclear
- •• lstiter
- •• lstmap
- •• isspace
- •• isupper
- •• islower
- •• strnlen
- •• strndup
- •• atob