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Applying styles to specific sites

Frank Jesus Gonzales edited this page Mar 3, 2025 · 8 revisions

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``Stylish styles can be made specific to certain URLs with @-moz-document rules.


Stylish for Firefox and other Mozilla software supports @-moz-document rules.

The @-moz-document format is the supported format when posting on The site software handles converting to other formats for browsers that do not support it.

Stylish on Chrome does not support @-moz-document rules, but provides a UI with the same rule types. It also has a feature to output styles to @-moz-document format, which is useful when you want to post them on

Rule types

There are four @-moz-document rule types:

  • url - for exact URLs (including the protocol)
  • url-prefix - for URLs that start with a certain value (including the protocol)
  • domain - for all URLs on a domain (not including the protocol)
  • regexp - for advanced matching with wildcards (including the protocol)


@-moz-document rules are specified on the "outside" of normal CSS, just like @media rules. A rule to turn the background of black would look like this:

@-moz-document url( {
	body {
		background-color: black !important;

Multiple sites

Just like you can create a rule in CSS based on multiple selectors, you can specify multiple values per @-moz-document block. For example:

@-moz-document domain(''), url-prefix('') {
		the code in here only applies to:
			-pages on the domain
			-pages whose URLs start with

Often, single sites can be accessed on many different URLs and can contain many different kinds of pages. For example, a rule like:

@-moz-document url-prefix("")

would not apply to, or You should keep this in mind (and try to account for it!) when writing your @-moz-document rules, especially if you intend on posting your style to for others to use.

Advanced matching with regular expressions

Regular expressions offer a powerful way to specify which URLs the style should apply to. Regular expressions are not recommended when the url, url-prefix, and domain rule types will do; they are more difficult to understand and edit, and are more difficult for the software to automatically categorize.

Regular expressions must be escaped using CSS syntax. For example, a . (period) matches any character in regular expressions. To match a literal period, you would first need to escape it using regular expression rules (to \.), then escape that string using CSS rules (to \\.). If your style manager has a separate "Applies to" field, standard regular expression escaping (\.) will be sufficient there.

The regular expression you write must match the entirety of the URL. This means that using ^ and $ (to match the beginning and end of the string) are unnecessary. Also, using:

@-moz-document regexp('example')

would not match (or anything, for that matter).

An example of wildcarding in the middle of a URL:

@-moz-document regexp('http://www\\.example\\.(com|de)/images/.*') {
		the code in here applies to URLs that start with

An example of matching all sites with a certain exception:

@-moz-document regexp('(?!http://www\\.example\\.com).*') {
		the code in here applies to all URLs except those that start with

An example of matching all except a specific section of a site:

@-moz-document regexp('http://www\\.example\\.com/(?!members).*') {
		the code in here applies to all URLs on, except
		those under