The Streamr client provides ElizaOS with capabilities to connect to Streamr P2P network and publish and subscribe messages in real-time to the network.
Key Features
- Initialize Streamr client
- Publish messages to a Streamr stream
- Subscribe to a Streamr stream
- Handle incoming messages from a Streamr stream
Add streamr client plugin to your package.json
"dependencies": {
"@elizaos-plugins/client-streamr": "github:streamr-dev/client-streamr"
Add Env parameters to your .env file:
STREAMR_WALLET=0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 //your wallet private key that has access to the stream
Add stream client to your plugins definition.
import { StreamrElizaClient } from "@elizaos-plugins/client-streamr";
export const streamrPlugin: Plugin = {
name: "my-awesome-plugin",
description: "My Awesome Plugin",
providers: [],
evaluators: [],
services: [],
actions: [],
clients: [StreamrElizaClient]