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Stratum Message Generator: execute interoperability tests between SRI and other Sv2 complaint software

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Message Generator

Little utility to execute interoperability tests between SRI and other Sv2 complaint software.

Try it

  1. Stop any bitcoind regtest processes running (the message-generator starts it for you).
  2. In test.json specify bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, and datadir paths:
    "setup_commands": [
            "command": "PATH TO bitcoind",
            "args": ["--regtest", "--datadir=PATH TO bitcoin datadir"],


            "command": "PATH TO bitcoin-cli",
            "args": [
                        "--datadir=PATH TO bitcoin datadir",
  1. % cargo run test.json
  2. If the test is in the /test/message-geneator directory, you have to lauch it from the MG directory using relative path. For example,
cargo run ../../test/message-generator/test/pool-sri-test-1-standard.json

Test execution

The message generator executes a test with the following steps:

  1. Setup Commands: Executes shell commands or bash scripts to be run on start up, e.g. a bitcoind a node.
  2. Role Connection: Setups up one or two TCP connections, both plain and noise are supported, e.g. a connection to an Upstream role.
  3. Execution Commands: Executes shell commands or bash scripts to be run after a connection has been opened between two roles, e.g. a mocked Pool to a test Proxy.
  4. Actions: Executes the actions using the previously opened connection. If a SV2 test is executing, each action sends zero or more Sv2Frames and checks if the received frame satisfies the conditions (defined in the action). If a SV1 test is executing, each action sends one or more JSON-RPC Requests and checks if the received Response satisfies the conditions. More than one condition can be defined if more than one message is expected to be received.
  5. Cleanup Commands: Executes shell commands or bash scripts to be run on test completion, e.g. remove a bitcoind datadir.

True tests, mocks and modules

The true tests are located in test/message-generator/test. Some files have the structure of a test but in fact they are not. For example, the file in test/message-generator/mock are mocks of application, namely they are tests whose purpose is to pretend to be an SV2 role. Currently only the TemplateProvider and the JobDeclarator are the only roles mocked. These mocks are usually used in the true tests. For example, in the test test/message-generator/test/pool-sri-test-standard-1.json the pool has a mocked environment, i.e. the JD and TP mocks. The files in test/message-generator/messages also are not true tests, but the are intended to be modules. For example, the common_messages.json is the module that contains the frame builders of the common messages for the true tests and the mocks.

True tests are made to be run and produce positive outcome. Mocks and common messages are meant to work as a part of a true test and they are not supposed to be run as standalone.

Test format

Tests are written in json and must follow the below format:


version is a string that indicates if the test is a SV1 test or a SV2 test. It can be either "1" or "2".


doc is an array of strings that explain what the test do. This field is optional.

    "doc": [
        "This test do:",
            "1) launch bitcoind in regtest and wait for TP initialization",
            "2) create a bunch of block using bictoin-cli",


common_messages is an array of messages (defined below) belonging to the common (sub)protocol, where the common subprotocol is composed by: SetupConnection and SetupConnectionSuccees and SetupConnectionError. This field is optional.


mining_messages is an array of messages (defined below) belonging to the mining (sub)protocol. This field is optional.


job_declaration_messages is an array of messages (defined below) that belongs to the job declaration (sub)protocol. This field is optional.


template_distribution_messages is an array of messages (defined below) that belongs to the template distribution (sub)protocol. This field is optional.


sv1_messages is an array of messages that belongs to the SV1 protocol. If version is "2" this field should be empty.

Definition of messages mentioned above

A message is an object with two field message and id. The message field contains the actual message. The id field contains a unique id used to refer to the message in other part of the test. For SV2 messages, the message field is an object composed by:

  1. type: message type name as defined in the Sv2 spec is a string eg SetupConnection
  2. all the other field of that specific message as defined in the Sv2 spec with the only exception of the field protocol that is a string and not a number eg instead of 0 we have MiningProtocol
    "common_messages": [
            "message": {
                "type": "SetupConnection",
                "protocol": "MiningProtocol",
                "min_version": 2,
                "max_version": 2,
                "flags": 0,
                "endpoint_host": "",
                "endpoint_port": 0,
                "vendor": "",
                "hardware_version": "",
                "firmware": "",
                "device_id": ""
            "id": "setup_connection"

For SV1 messages, the message field is a JSON-RPC StandardRequest, composed by the fields id, method and params.

    "sv1_messages": [
            "message": {
                "id": 1,
                "method": "mining.subscribe",
                "params": ["cpuminer"]
            "id": "mining.subscribe"
            "message": {
                "id": 2,
                "method": "mining.authorize",
                "params": ["username", "password"]
            "id": "mining.authorize"


Objects in frame_builders are used by the message generator to construct Sv2 frames in order to send the message to the tested software. Objects in frame_builders can be either automatic (where the sv2 frame header is constructed by the SRI libs and is supposed to be correct) or manual (if we want to test a software against an incorrect frame).

frame_builders is an array of objects. Every object in frame_builders must contain message_id, that is a string with the id of the previously defined message. In the example below, the message id refers to the item setup_connection of common_messages. Every object in frames must have the field type, a string that can be either automatic or manual with meaning of the paragraph above.

If type == manual the object must contain 3 additional fields:

  1. message_type: a string the must start with 0x followed by an hex encoded integer not bigger than 0xff
  2. extension_type: a string composed by 16 elements, each element must be either 0 or 1, the elements can be separated by _ that is not counted as element so we can have as many separator as we want eg: 0000_0000_0000_0000 Separator are there only to human readability and are removed when the test is parsed.
  3. channel_msg: a bool
    "frame_builders": [
            "type": "automatic",
            "message_id": "setup_connection"
            "type": "manual",
            "message_id": "close_channel",
            "message_type": "0x18",
            "extension_type": "0000_0000_0000_0000",
            "channel_msg": true

If the frame relative to common messages is defined is a different file (for example, some common_messages frames are defined in /test/message-geneator/messages/common_messages.json), to use it you have to use the syntax <address::id>. For example, in the test /test/message/generator/test, the following message

       "type": "automatic",
       "message_id": "test/message-generator/messages/common_messages.json::setup_connection_success_template_distribution"

calls the id setup_connection_success_template_distribution that appears in the file test/message-generator/messages/common_messages.json. In the main file, the id of this message will be the abbreviated with setup_connection_success_template_distribution.


actions is an array of objects. If the test version is "2", each object is composed by:

  1. role: can be either client or server. This because the message generator can act at the same time as a client and as a server for example when we are mocking a proxy.
  2. messages_ids: an array of strings, that are ids of messages previously defined.
  3. results: is an array of objects, used by the message generator to test if certain property of the received frames are true or not. Accepts values:
    • "type": String - match option - match_message_type, match_message_field, match_message_len, or match_extension_type
    • "value": Array - varries depending on "type"
    "actions": [
            "message_ids": ["open_standard_mining_channel"],
            "role": "client",
            "results": [
                    "type": "match_message_field",
                    "value": [
                            {"U32": 89}

If the test version is "1", each object is composed by:

  1. messages_ids: an array of strings, that are ids of sv1_messages previously defined.
  2. results: is an array of objects, used by the message generator to test if certain property of the received Responses are true or not. Accepts values:
    • "type": String - match option - match_message_id, match_message_field
    • "value": Array - varries depending on "type"

setup commands

An array of commands (defined below) that are executed before that the message generator open one ore more connection with the tested software.

excution commands

An array of commands (defined below) that are executed after that the message generator open one ore more connection with the tested software.

cleanup_commands commands

An array of commands (defined below) that are executed after that all the actions have been executed. TODO this commands should be executed not only if all the action pass but also if something fail

Definition of commands mentioned above

A command is an object with the following fields:

  1. command: the bash command that we want to execute
  2. args: the command's args
  3. condition: can be either WithConditions or None in the first case the command executor will wait for some condition before return in the latter it just launch the command and return

WithConditions is an object composed by the following fields:

  1. conditions: an array of object that must be true or false on order for the executor to return
  2. timer_secs: number of seconds after then the command is considered stuck and the test fail
  3. warn_no_panic: bool if true the test do not fail with panic if timer secs terminate but it just exit (passing) and emit a warning

The objects contained in conditions are structured in the following way:

  1. output_string: a string that we need to check in the StdOut or StdErr
  2. output_location: say if the string is expected in StdOut or StdErr
  3. condition: a bool if true and we have output_string in output_location the executor return and keep going, if false the executor fail.

In the below example we launch bitcoind we wait for "sv2 thread start" in StdOut and we fail if anything is written in StdErr

    "setup_commands": [
            "command": "./test/bitcoind",
            "args": ["--regtest", "--datadir=./test/bitcoin_data/"],
            "conditions": {
                "WithConditions": {
                    "conditions": [
                            "output_string": "sv2 thread start",
                            "output_location": "StdOut",
                            "condition": true
                            "output_string": "",
                            "output_location": "StdErr",
                            "condition": false
                    "timer_secs": 10,
                    "warn_no_panic": false


role is a string and can be on of the three: client server proxy

  1. If we have client we expect to have a downstream field
  2. If we have server we expect to have an upstream field
  3. If we have proxy we expect to have both


downstream is an object the contain the info need to open a connection as a downstream is composed by:

  1. ip: a string with the upstream ip address
  2. port: a string with the port address
  3. pub_key: optional if present we open a noise connection if no we open a plain connection, is a string with the server public key


upstream is an object the contain the info need to start listening:

  1. ip: a string with the ip where we will accept connection
  2. port: a string with the port address
  3. pub_key: optional if present accept noise connection if no plain connection
  4. secret_key: optional if present accept noise connection if no plain connection

Using Message Generator to produce test coverage with llvm-cov

Information on installation and use of llvm-cov found here: More information on underlying dependancies here:

Including code coverage in command

Example of llvm-cov code coverage run with pool setup_command llvm-cov requires a minimum of rustc 1.60.0 and LLVM 13.0.0

            "command": "cargo",
            "args": [
            "conditions": {...} 

"--no-report" caches the results in the background until the end of the test. It also allows you collect coverage data from other processes in parallel by adding "llv-cov --no-report", and all report data is reflected in the final report.

To generate the report, execute the llvm-cov report command in the cleanup_commands. This example adds an output file path(from project root), the output file name and type, and paths to ignore in the report.

    "cleanup_commands": [
            "command": "cargo",
            "args": [
            "conditions": "None"


Stratum Message Generator: execute interoperability tests between SRI and other Sv2 complaint software






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