not yet published
to install it locally, clone it from github:
git clone
change into the outer folder 'iswitch' and install the package:
cd iswitch
pip install .
Download the following data into the data directory:
In python, use the following line to try the example data:
from iswitch import isoform_switch_analyzer as isa
switches, switch_pair_df = isa.detect_iswitches()
The last line is equivalent to:
switches, switch_pair_df = sa.detect_iswitches(method="isa",
To detect isoform switches in custom data, specify the following params as follows:
- pheno: Tab separated gz file with a column "sample" and the according phenotype in a column called "primary_disease" as well as a column "sample_type_id" where a 1 denotes case samples and a 11 control samples. Note that this notation is inferred from TCGA.
- data: Tab separated table where the columns represent the samples (same sample ids as in pheno) and the rows represent the isoforms (same ids as in annotation_file).
- disease: The primary disease you are interested in.
- anno: Tab separated file with the columns "id" and "gene" which give the gene id for each transcript.
The default method is "isa", which is a python version of the R package IsoformSwitchAnalyzer.
Alternatively, if the package SPADA can be used. After
pip install spada
, use:isa.detect_iswitches(method="spada")
To visualize all isoform switches detected for a certain gene, try:
example_plot_switches(gene_id, switch_pair_df, switches, casecolor, controlcolor) # or
example_plot_switches_reordered(gene_id, switch_pair_df, switches, casecolor, controlcolor)
To do an enrichment analysis, install the CORUM core complexes file into the data directory and run:
prot_complex_table, prot_complex_dict = enrichment(switch_pairs)
To draw a graph of a certain protein complex, use afterwards:
draw_protein_graph(complex_name, switch_df, prot_complex_table, prot_complex_dict)
Climente-González, H., Porta-Pardo, E., Godzik, A., and Eyras, E. (2017). The Functional Impact of Alternative Splicing in Cancer. Cell Reports 20, 2215–2226.