FEATURE: Gift levels can now be configured on the Edit Level page
FEATURE: Users can now enter a recipient email address during checkout to send a gift code to
FEATURE: Added email templates for gift checkouts (both user and admin) and for gift recipient emails
ENHANCEMENT: Added filter pmprogl_gift_code_purchased (Thanks, Mirco Babini)
ENHANCEMENT: Gift code data is now being stored in order meta
ENHANCEMENT: Admins can now see the gift codes that a user has purchased on the Edit User page or by editing a discount code
BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Added warning if membership level is set up with recurring payment or expiration date and gift level in GUI
BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Gift levels are now immediately removed after checkout for all users (Thanks, Mirco Babini)
BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Moved gift level confirmation message to end of checkout email (Thanks, Mirco Babini)
BUG FIX: Fixed issue where purchasing gift level with Stripe could set an expiration date on previous membership
BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Now clearing cached membership levels after removing gift level (Thanks, Mirco Babini)
BUG FIX: Fixed issue where gift code may not be generated at checkout with specific gateways (Thanks, knit-pay on GitHub)
BUG FIX: Fixed PHP notice (Thanks, Mirco Babini)
REFACTOR: Broke code into separate files
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