[ChIA-PET data processing and Insulated neighborhood building pipeline]
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Installing Dowen_Fan:
git clone https://github.com/stjude/Dowen_Fan.git; cd Dowen_Fan
Dowen_Fan is a pipeline that enables user to define significantly interacting ChIA-PET loops. This tool is robust and efficient in deducing the Insulated Neighborhoods.
cutadapt (v 4.3)
macs14 (v 1.4.2)
bowtie (v
samtools (v 1.15.1)
bedtools (v 2.30.0)
R (v 4.2.2)
sh singlenodeChIA-PETv5.sh -f file_R1.fastq -r file_R2.fastq -b fullpath_bowtieindexname
f1 is forward fastq read file from ChIA-PET
r1 is reverse fastq read file from ChIA-PET
b is full path including the index name (bowtie indexed genome)
Provide contact information if the author of the code chooses to. Issues are another effective way of communication as well.
Are there any know limits to the tool. Some examples of this might be:
- Does not run on OSX
- Version 1.2 of library XYZ causes
unexpected behavior
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