In the git/blobber run the following command
$ ./docker.local/bin/
- Setup a network called testnet0 for each of these node containers to talk to each other.
$ docker network create --driver=bridge --subnet= --gateway= testnet0
- Go to git/blobber directory to build containers using (skip this step if you want to use existing docker images)
$ ./docker.local/bin/
- After building the container for blobber, go to Blobber1 directory (git/blobber/docker.local/blobber1) and run the container using
# For locally build images
$ ../bin/
# For remote images
$ ../bin/
Note: Replace the localhost form docker.local/p0docker-compose.yml
to your public IP if you are trying to connect to another network .
- Ensure the port mapping is all correct:
$ docker ps
This should display a container image blobber_blobber and should have the ports mapped like ">5050/tcp"
- When starting multiple blobbers, it could happen that blobbers are not being registered properly (not returned on
zbox ls-blobbers
Blobber registration takes sometime and adding at least 5 second wait before starting the next blobber usually avoids the issue.
- If unable to create new allocations as shown below.
zbox example
zbox newallocation --lock 0.5
Error creating allocation: transaction_not_found: Transaction was not found on any of the sharders
To fix this issue, the delegate_wallet
configured on config/0chain_blober.yaml
and config/0chain_validator.yaml
must lock some tokens on the blobber.
Through zbox, it can be done like the example below.
zbox sp-lock --blobber_id f65af5d64000c7cd2883f4910eb69086f9d6e6635c744e62afcfab58b938ee25 --tokens 0.5
- Your network connection depends on the block_worker url you give in the
config file.
This works as a dns service, You need to know the above url for any network you want to connect, Just replace it in the above metioned file.
For example: If you want to connect to one network
- Get rid of old unused docker resources:
$ docker system prune
- To get rid of all the docker resources and start afresh:
$ docker system prune -a
- Stop All Containers
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
- Remove All Containers
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
- You can use the inbuild minio support to store old data on cloud
You have to update minio_config file with the cloud creds data, The file can found at docker.local/keys_config/minio_config.txt
The following order is used for the content :
- Your minio config file is then used in the docker-compose while starting the sharder node
--minio_file keysconfig/minio_config.txt
- You can either update the setting in the same file which is given above or create a new one with you config and use that as
--minio_file keysconfig/your_new_minio_config_file.txt
**_Note: Do not forget to put the file in the same config folder OR mount your new folder.
- Apart from private connection config, There are other options as well in the 0chain_blobber.yaml file to manage minio settings.
Sample config
# Enable or disable minio backup service
start: false
# The frequency at which the worker should look for files, Ex: 3600 means it will run every 3600 seconds
worker_frequency: 3600 # In Seconds
# Use SSL for connection or not
use_ssl: false
- You can also tweak the cold storage setting depending how you want to decide which data to move to the cloud.
Sample config
# Minimum file size to be considered for moving to cloud
min_file_size: 1048576 #in bytes
# Minimum time for which file is not updated or not used
file_time_limit_in_hours: 720 #in hours
# Number of files to be queried and processed at once
job_query_limit: 100
# Capacity in percentage after which the cloud backup should start work
max_capacity_percentage: 50
# Delete local copy once the file is moved to cloud
delete_local_copy: true
# Delete cloud copy if the file is deleted from the blobber by user/other process
delete_cloud_copy: true