- Initial Setup
- Building and Starting the Nodes
- Building the Nodes
- Generating Test Transactions
- Troubleshooting
- Debugging
- Unit tests
- Creating The Magic Block
- Initial states
- Miscellaneous
- Integration tests
- Run 0chain on ec2 / vm / bare metal
- Run 0chain on ec2 / vm / bare metal over https
In the git/0chain run the following command
Setup a network called testnet0 for each of these node containers to talk to each other.
Note: The config file should be providing the IP address of the nodes as per the IP addresses in this network.
- Open 5 terminal tabs. Use the first one for building the containers by being in git/0chain directory. Use the next 3 for 3 miners and be in the respective miner directories created above in docker.local. Use the 5th terminal and be in the sharder1 directory.
1.1) First build the base containers, zchain_build_base and zchain_run_base
Use -m1 flag to build for Apple m1 chip
- Building the miners and sharders. From the git/0chain directory use
2.1) To build the miner containers
Use -m1 flag to build for Apple m1 chip
2.2) To build the sharder containers
Use -m1 flag to build for Apple m1 chip
for building the 1 sharder.
2.3) Syncing time (the host and the containers are being offset by a few seconds that throws validation errors as we accept transactions that are within 5 seconds of creation). This step is needed periodically when you see the validation error.
- Use
to configure the blockchain properties. The default options are setup for running the blockchain fast in development.
1.1) If you want the logs to appear on the console - change logging.console
from false
to true
1.2) If you want the debug statements in the logs to appear - change logging.level
from "info"
to "debug"
1.3) If you want to change the block size, set the value of server_chain.block.size
1.4) If you want to adjust the network relay time, set the value of network.relay_time
Note: Remove sharder72 and miner75 from docker.local/config/b0snode2_keys.txt and docker.local/config/b0mnode5_keys.txt respectively if you are joining to local network.
- Starting the nodes. On each of the miner terminals use the commands (note the
at the beginning. This is because, these commands are run from within thedocker.local/<miner/sharder|i>
directories and thebin
is one level above relative to these directories)
Start sharder first because miners need the genesis magic block. On the sharder terminal, use
Wait till the cassandra is started and the sharder is ready to listen to requests.
On the respective miner terminal, use
To reflect a change in config files 0chain.yaml and sc.yaml, just restart the miner or sharder to take the new configuration. If you're doing a code change locally or pulling updates from GitHub, you need to build.
git pull
docker.local/bin/build.base.sh && docker.local/bin/build.sharders.sh && docker.local/bin/build.miners.sh
For existing code and if you have tried running once, make sure there are no previous files and processes.
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
Then go to individual miner/sharder:
../bin/start.b0sharder.sh (start sharders first!)
Library by herumi
for working with BLS threshold signatures requires this flag turned on:
setsebool -P selinuxuser_execheap 1
If you are curious about the reasons for this, this thread sheds some light on the topic:
The following is no longer required as the schema is automatically loaded.
Start the sharder service that also brings up the cassandra service. To run commands on cassandra, use the following command
../bin/run.sharder.sh cassandra cqlsh
- To create zerochain keyspace, do the following
../bin/run.sharder.sh cassandra cqlsh -f /0chain/sql/zerochain_keyspace.sql
- To create the tables, do the following
../bin/run.sharder.sh cassandra cqlsh -k zerochain -f /0chain/sql/txn_summary.sql
- When you want to truncate existing data (use caution), do the following
../bin/run.sharder.sh cassandra cqlsh -k zerochain -f /0chain/sql/truncate_tables.sql
There is no need to generate the test data separately. In development mode, the transaction data is automatically generated at a certain rate based on the block size.
However, you can use the block explorer to submit transactions, view the blocks and confirm the transactions.
Use block explorer to see the progress of the block chain.
In addition, use the '/_diagnostics' link on any node to view internal details of the blockchain and the node.
- Ensure the port mapping is all correct:
docker ps
This should display a few containers and should include containers with images miner1_miner, miner2_miner and miner3_miner and they should have the ports mapped like ">7071/tcp"
- Confirming the servers are up and running. From a browser, visit
to see the status of the miners.
Similarly, following links can be used to see the status of the sharders
- Connecting to redis servers running within the containers (you are within the appropriate miner directories)
Default redis (used for clients and state):
../bin/run.miner.sh redis redis-cli
Redis used for transactions:
../bin/run.miner.sh redis_txns redis-cli
- Connecting to cassandra used in the sharder (you are within the appropriate sharder directories)
../bin/run.sharder.sh cassandra cqlsh
You need to install rocksdb
and herumi/bls
, refer to docker.local/build.base/Dockerfile.build_base
for necessary steps.
For local compilation it should be enough of go build
from a submodule folder, e.g.
cd code/go/0chain.net/miner
go build
You can pass tag development
if you want to simulate n2n delays.
And you also need tag bn256
to build the same code as in production:
go build -tags "bn256 development"
If you want to run a debug 0chain build you can follow the details contained in the
Only one miner and one sharder can be run on any single machine, so you will need at least three machines to for a working 0chain.
The logs of the nodes are stored in log directory (/0chain/log on the container and docker.local/miner|sharder[n]/log in the host). The 0chain.log contains all the logs related to the protocol and the n2n.log contains all the node to node communication logs. The typical issues that need to be debugged is errors in the log, why certain things have not happeend which requires reviewing the timestamp of a sequence of events in the network. Here is an example set of commands to do some debugging.
Find arrors in all the miner nodes (from git/0chain)
grep ERROR docker.local/miner*/log/0chain.log
This gives a set of errors in the log. Say an error indicates a problem for a specific block, say abc, then
grep abc docker.local/miner*/log/0chain.log
gives all the logs related to block 'abc'
To get the start time of all the rounds
grep 'starting round' docker.local/miner*/log/0chain.log
This gives the start timestamps that can be used to correlate the events and their timings.
0chain unit tests verify the behaviour of individual parts of the program. A config for the base docker image can be provided on run to execute general unit tests.
Docker and Git must be installed to run the tests .
Install Git using the following command:
sudo apt install git
Docker installation instructions can be found here.
Clone the 0chain repository:
git clone https://github.com/0chain/0chain.git
Navigate to 0chain folder and run the script to build base docker image for unit testing :
cd 0chain
The base image includes all the dependencies required to test the 0chain code.
Now run the script containing unit tests .
The list of packages is optional, and if provided runs only the tests from those packages. Command for running unit tests with specific packages .
./docker.local/bin/unit_test.sh [<packages>]
Unit testing happens over a series of steps one after the other.
step does the required preparation and specifies the underlying OS architecture to use the build image. Here we are using the base image created in the build phase.
The SRC_DIR variable is a reference to a filepath which contains the code from your pull request. Here /0chain
directory is specified as it is the one which was cloned.
is an environment variable that can be set when using go
for changing how Go imports packages. It was introduced to help ensure a smooth transition to the module system.
will force using Go modules even if the project is in your GOPATH. Requires go.mod
to work.
Note: The default behavior in Go 1.16 is now GO111MODULE=on
This step copies the code from the source path to the destination path.
The RUN command is an image build step which allows installing of application and packages requited for testing while thego mod download
downloads the specific module versions you've specified in the go.mod
Step 6: RUN cd $GOPATH/pkg/mod/github.com/valyala/[email protected]. && chmod -R +w . && make clean libzstd.a
This step runs the gozstd package and provides write permissions to the directory. gozstd which is a go wrapper for zstd (library) provides Go bindings for the libzstd C library. The make clean
is ran in the last to clean up the code and remove all the compiled object files from the source code
This step defines the working directory for running unit tests which is (0chain/code/go/0chain.net/).For all the running general unit tests their code coverage will be defined in the terminal like this
ok 0chain.net/chaincore/block 0.128s coverage: 98.9% of statements
The above output shows 98.9% of code statements was covered with tests.
Here is a sample output for all the unit test cases:
? 0chain.net/chaincore [no test files]
ok 0chain.net/chaincore/block 0.128s coverage: 98.9% of statements
? 0chain.net/chaincore/block/magicBlock [no test files]
ok 0chain.net/chaincore/chain 0.254s coverage: 6.0% of statements
? 0chain.net/chaincore/chain/state [no test files]
ok 0chain.net/chaincore/client 0.328s coverage: 30.8% of statements
? 0chain.net/chaincore/config [no test files]
? 0chain.net/chaincore/diagnostics [no test files]
ok 0chain.net/chaincore/httpclientutil 2.048s coverage: 91.7% of statements
ok 0chain.net/chaincore/node 0.011s coverage: 8.9% of statements
ok 0chain.net/chaincore/round 0.048s coverage: 97.1% of statements
ok 0chain.net/chaincore/smartcontract 0.032s coverage: 9.1% of statements
ok 0chain.net/chaincore/smartcontractinterface 0.032s coverage: 97.3%
? 0chain.net/chaincore/state [no test files]
ok 0chain.net/chaincore/threshold/bls 9.912s coverage: 1.1% of statem
ok 0chain.net/chaincore/tokenpool 10.034s coverage: 100.0% of statements
ok 0chain.net/chaincore/transaction 0.029s coverage: 0.4% of statements [no tests to run]
ok 0chain.net/chaincore/wallet 6.600s coverage: 40.0% of statements
? 0chain.net/conductor [no test files]
? 0chain.net/conductor/conductor [no test files]
? 0chain.net/conductor/conductrpc [no test files]
? 0chain.net/conductor/config [no test files]
? 0chain.net/conductor/sdkproxy [no test files]
? 0chain.net/conductor/utils [no test files]
? 0chain.net/core [no test files]
? 0chain.net/core/build [no test files]
ok 0chain.net/core/cache 0.004s coverage: 100.0% of statements
ok 0chain.net/core/common 0.238s coverage: 87.4% of statements
ok 0chain.net/core/datastore 0.033s coverage: 92.0% of statements
ok 0chain.net/core/ememorystore 1.018s coverage: 91.7% of statements
ok 0chain.net/core/encryption 1.290s coverage: 95.3% of statements
? 0chain.net/core/encryption/keys [no test files]
ok 0chain.net/core/logging 0.069s coverage: 96.5% of statements
ok 0chain.net/core/memorystore 0.281s coverage: 93.8% of statements
? 0chain.net/core/metric [no test files]
ok 0chain.net/core/persistencestore 0.036s coverage: 73.5% of statements
ok 0chain.net/core/util 22.237s coverage: 76.5% of statements
ok 0chain.net/miner 0.303s coverage: 8.0% of statements
? 0chain.net/miner/miner [no test files]
? 0chain.net/miner/mocks [no test files]
? 0chain.net/mocks [no test files]
? 0chain.net/mocks/core/datastore [no test files]
? 0chain.net/mocks/core/encryption [no test files]
ok 0chain.net/sharder 0.168s coverage: 20.8% of statements
ok 0chain.net/sharder/blockdb 0.004s coverage: 79.3% of statements
ok 0chain.net/sharder/blockstore 0.045s coverage: 79.7% of statements
? 0chain.net/sharder/sharder [no test files]
? 0chain.net/smartcontract [no test files]
? 0chain.net/smartcontract/faucetsc [no test files]
ok 0chain.net/smartcontract/interestpoolsc 0.030s coverage: 45.0% of statements
ok 0chain.net/smartcontract/minersc 0.104s coverage: 30.9% of statements
? 0chain.net/smartcontract/multisigsc [no test files]
? 0chain.net/smartcontract/multisigsc/test [no test files]
? 0chain.net/smartcontract/setupsc [no test files]
ok 0chain.net/smartcontract/storagesc 1.877s coverage: 58.8% of statements
ok 0chain.net/smartcontract/vestingsc 0.034s coverage: 81.8% of statements
ok 0chain.net/smartcontract/zrc20sc 0.030s coverage: 23.3% of statements
First build the magic block image.
Use -m1 flag to build for Apple m1 chip
Next, set the configuration file. To do this edit the docker.local/build.magicBlock/docker-compose.yml file. On line 13 is a flag "--config_file" set it to the magic block configuration file you want to use.
To create the magic block.
The magic block and the dkg summary json files will appear in the docker.local/config under the name given in the configuration file.
The magic_block_file setting in the 0chain.yaml file needs to be updated with the new name of the magic block created.
Update the miner config file so it is set to the new dkg summaries. To do this edit the docker.local/build.miner/b0docker-compose.yml file. On line 55 is a flag "--dkg_file" set it to the dkg summary files created with the magic block.
The balance for the various nodes is setup in a initial_state.yaml
This file is a list of node ids and token amounts.
The initial state yaml file is entered as a command line argument when
running a sharder or miner, falling that the 0chain.yaml
entry is used to find the initial state file.
An example, that can be used with the preset ids, can be found at 0chian/docker.local/config/inital_state.yaml`
- If you want to restart the blockchain from the beginning
This cleans up the directories within docker.local/miner* and docker.local/sharder*
Note: this script can take a while if the blockchain generated a lot of blocks as the script deletes the databases and also all the blocks that are stored by the sharders. Since each block is stored as a separate file, deleting thousands of such files will take some time.
- If you want to get rid of old unused docker resources:
docker system prune
- You can use the inbuild minio support to store blocks on cloud
You have to update minio_config file with the cloud creds data, The file can found at docker.local/config/minio_config.txt
The following order is used for the content :
- Your minio config file is then used in the docker-compose while starting the sharder node
--minio_file config/minio_config.txt
- You can either update the setting in the same file which is given above or create a new one with you config and use that as
--minio_file config/your_new_minio_config_file.txt
**_Note: Do not forget to put the file in the same config folder OR mount your new folder.
- Apart from private connection config, There are other options as well in the 0chain.yaml file to manage minio settings.
Sample config
# Enable or disable minio backup, Do not enable with deep scan ON
enabled: false
# In Seconds, The frequency at which the worker should look for files, Ex: 3600 means it will run every 3600 seconds
worker_frequency: 3600
# Number of workers to run in parallel, Just to make execution faster we can have mutiple workers running simultaneously
num_workers: 5
# Use SSL for connection or not
use_ssl: false
# How old the block should be to be considered for moving to cloud
old_block_round_range: 20000000
# Delete local copy of block once it's moved to cloud
delete_local_copy: true
- In minio the folders do not get deleted and will cause a slight increase in volume over time.
Integration testing combines individual 0chain modules and test them as a group. Integration testing evaluates the compliance of a system for specific functional requirements and usually occurs after unit testing .
For integration testing, A conductor which is a RPC(Remote Procedure Call) server is implemented to control behaviour of nodes .To know more about the conductor refer to the conductor documentation
A conductor requires the nodes to be built in a certain order to control them during the tests. A config file is defined in conductor.config.yaml which contains important details such as details of all nodes used and custom commands used in integration testing.
For running multiple test cases,conductor uses a test suite which contains multiple sets of tests .A test suites can be categorized into 3 types of tests
standard tests
- Checks whether chain continue to function properly despite bad miner and sharder participants
view-change tests
- Checks whether addition and removal of nodes is working
.blobber tests
- Checks whether storage functions continue to work properly despite bad or lost blobber, and confirms expected storage function failures
Below is an example of conductor test suite.
# Under `enable` is the list of sets that will be run.
- "Miner down/up"
- "Blobber tests"
# Test sets defines the test cases it covers.
- name: "Miner down/up"
- "Miner: 50 (switch to contribute)"
- "Miner: 100 (switch to share)"
- name: "Blobber tests"
- "All blobber tests"
# Test cases defines the execution flow for the tests.
- name: "Miner: 50 (switch to contribute)"
# Flow is a series of directives.
# The directive can either be built-in in the conductor
# or custom command defined in "conductor.config.yaml"
- set_monitor: "sharder-1" # Most directive refer to node by name, these are defined in `conductor.config.yaml`
- cleanup_bc: {} # A sample built-in command that triggers stop on all nodes and clean up.
- start: ['sharder-1']
- start: ['miner-1', 'miner-2', 'miner-3']
- wait_phase:
phase: 'contribute'
- stop: ['miner-1']
- start: ['miner-1']
- wait_view_change:
timeout: '5m'
miners: ['miner-1', 'miner-2', 'miner-3']
sharders: ['sharder-1']
- name: "Miner: 100 (switch to share)"
- name: "All blobber tests"
- command:
name: 'build_test_blobbers' # Sample custom command that executes `build_test_blobbers`
Docker and Git must be installed to run the tests .
Install Git using the following command:
sudo apt install git
Docker installation instructions can be found here.
Clone the 0chain repository:
git clone https://github.com/0chain/0chain.git
Build miner docker image for integration test
(cd 0chain && ./docker.local/bin/build.miners-integration-tests.sh)
Build sharder docker image for integration test
(cd 0chain && ./docker.local/bin/build.sharders-integration-tests.sh)
NOTE: The miner and sharder images are designed for integration tests only. If wanted to run chain normally, rebuild the original images.
(cd 0chain && ./docker.local/bin/build.sharders.sh && ./docker.local/bin/build.miners.sh)
Confirm that view change rounds are set to 50 on 0chain/docker.local/config.yaml
start_rounds: 50
contribute_rounds: 50
share_rounds: 50
publish_rounds: 50
wait_rounds: 50
Run miners test
(cd 0chain && ./docker.local/bin/start.conductor.sh miners)
Run sharders test
(cd 0chain && ./docker.local/bin/start.conductor.sh sharders)
- Set
view_change: true
- Run view-change tests
(cd 0chain && ./docker.local/bin/start.conductor.sh view-change-1)
(cd 0chain && ./docker.local/bin/start.conductor.sh view-change-2)
(cd 0chain && ./docker.local/bin/start.conductor.sh view-change-3)
Blobber tests require cloning of below services.
git clone https://github.com/0chain/blobber.git
Refer to conductor documentation
git clone https://github.com/0chain/zboxcli.git
git clone https://github.com/0chain/zwalletcli.git
git clone https://github.com/0chain/0dns.git
Confirm whether all the cloned directories exists.
Install zboxcli
(cd zboxcli && make install)
Install zwalletcli
(cd zwalletcli && make install)
Patch 0dns for the latest 0chain network configuration .
(cd 0dns && git apply --check ../0chain/docker.local/bin/conductor/0dns-local.patch)
(cd 0dns && git apply ../0chain/docker.local/bin/conductor/0dns-local.patch)
Patch blobbers for the latest blobber tests
(cd blobber && git apply --check ../0chain/docker.local/bin/conductor/blobber-tests.patch)
(cd blobber && git apply ../0chain/docker.local/bin/conductor/blobber-tests.patch)
Add ~/.zcn/config.yaml
as follows
signature_scheme: bls0chain
min_submit: 50
min_confirmation: 50
confirmation_chain_length: 3
max_txn_query: 5
query_sleep_time: 5
Apply if on Ubuntu 18.04
docker/for-linux#563 (comment)
The bug in Ubuntu 18.04 related. It relates to docker-credential-secretservice package required by docker-compose and used by docker. A docker process (a build, for example) can sometimes fail due to the bug. Some tests have internal docker builds and can fail due to this bug.
Run blobber tests
(cd 0chain && ./docker.local/bin/start.conductor.sh blobber-1)
(cd 0chain && ./docker.local/bin/start.conductor.sh blobber-2)
New tests can be easily added to the conductor check Updating conductor tests in the conductor documentation for more information.
Check Temporarily disabling tests in the conductor documentation for more information
Check the supported directives in the conductor documentation for more information.
Check Custom Commands in the conductor documentation for more information