Game consists of 14 rounds.
At the start of each round, you cast five dice.
If you click on a die (so it has a blue background) that die is locked. If you roll again, that die won't change.
You can click on it again to unlock it, so if you roll again, it can change.
You can cast the dice up to three times.
You can choose a score category by clicking on it. You can do this before you've run out of rolls.
Once you've run out of rolls, you have to choose a score category. It may not give you any points :(
For example, "Threes" will give 6 points if there are two dice with a 3, or 9 points if there are three dice with a 3.
"3OAK" will score 20 if you have 3 dice with the same number of pips, like 34331 (three 3s)
the game ends when each score category has been chosen.
A score of over 200 is good, a score over 300 is really good. Anything over 350+ is exceptional!