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MVP list

Steph Meyering edited this page Mar 4, 2020 · 12 revisions

MVP List

Stereo (Soundcloud clone) is an online music distribution platform that enables its users to upload, stream, and share audio.

1. Hosting on Heroku (1 day)

2. New account creation, login, and guest/demo login (2 days)

  • Users can sign up, sign in, log out
  • Modal for Login and Sign up form
  • Users can use a demo login to try the site
  • Users can't use certain features without logging in (creating chirps & likes)

3. Song CRUD (2 days)

  • User is able to upload songs
  • User is able to read/stream songs
  • User is able to edit/update song details
  • User is able to delete songs

4. Playing songs with progress bar with continuous play (2 days)

  • Currently playing song, persisting footer nav bar
  • Next/random? song plays after currently playing song ends
  • Song progress bar with drag-able cursor

5. Wave Forms (1.5 days)

  • Each song has waveform as progress bar
  • Song specific waveform is generated at upload, and stored in AWS

6. User pages (2 days)

  • Spotlight section for user's uploaded songs (if any)
  • Recent section displays users reposted songs (dependent on bonus spec 11)
  • Sidebar displays liked songs (dependent on bonus spec 10)
  • Sidebar displays a user's comments, along with song and timestamp

7. Production README (0.5 days)

8. Bonus: Comments (2 days)

  • Ability to comment on songs at specific timestamps
  • A comment auto-displays when currently playing song reaches comment timestamp

9. Bonus: Playlists

10. Bonus: Likes

11. Bonus: Reposts

12. Bonus: Follows