This directory contains the source code for AdventureWorks API.
Clone the repository or download the project files:
git clone <repository-url>
Using SQL Server Restore a DB locally or Using Azure SQL Databases
- FIle of the DB backup AdventureWorks2022.bak OLTP version.
- Change the ConnectionStrings into AdventureWorks.API/appsettings.json
Run Entity Framework Migrations
- You can run AdventureWorks.API as Start Up Project AdventureWorks.API/Program.cs has ApplyMigrations()
- After migrations you can update the DB
Package Manager Console: Update-Database
Command Line: dotnet ef database update
- Steps to handle new migrations
Using Package Manager Console (PMC)
Open PMC: In Visual Studio, go to Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console.
Select the Project: Ensure that the Default Project dropdown in the PMC is set to the project containing your DbContext in this case AdventureWorks.Infrastructure
Run the Migration Command:
Add-Migration MigrationName
Review the Generated Migration under AdventureWorks.Infrastructure/Migrations
Apply the Migration
Using Command line
Open a Terminal or Command Prompt: Navigate to the root folder of the project.
- Ensure the .NET CLI tools are installed and accessible. Use dotnet --version to confirm
Run the Migration Command:
dotnet ef migrations add MigrationName
Review the Generated Migration under AdventureWorks.Infrastructure/Migrations
Apply the Migration
dotnet ef database update
Review the __EFMigrationsHistory table into the DB and check the changes.
│ ├── AdventureWorks.API/ # Presentation Layer (Start Up)
│ │ ├── Controllers # Endpoints
│ │ ├── Middleware # Middlewares: Handler global Exceptions
│ │
│ ├── AdventureWorks.Domain/ # Domain Model Layer
│ │ └── Entities
│ │
│ ├── AdventureWorks.Application/ # Application Layer (CQRS)
│ │ └── Abstractions # Interface Segregation Pinciple
│ │ └── DependencyInjection.cs # DI Configuration / Mediatr
│ │
│ ├── AdventureWorks.Infrastructure/ # Infrastructure Layer
│ │ └── Migrations # EF Core
│ │ └── Persistence # DBContext
│ │ └── Repositories # Repository Pattern
│ ├── test
│ │ └──AdventureWorks.Application.UnitTests #xUnit Moq FluentAssertions
├── .editorconfig # Environment VS conventions
└── # Project docs