Finally get your Custom Enchants working with Anvils on Bedrock!
- Make sure Geyser and/or floodgate is in your plugins
- Download and install ProtocolLib (If you don't already have it)
- Download and place in the plugins folder.
- Restart/Start server
Proxy Setup (Checkout ApiaryProxy btw)
- Install Geyser on proxy
- Install floodgate on servers behind proxy and proxy (more info, under "Proxy Servers" tab)
- Install this plugin on servers behind the proxy (with ProtocolLib)
- Run servers to generate files/directories
- Move "GeyserAnvilFix-Mapping.json" (Located in this plugin's folder) to Geyser's "custom-mappings" folder
- Move "GeyserAnvilFix-Pack.mcpack" (same place) to Geyser's "packs" folder