Apiary is an experimental Folia fork with the support for Bukkit, Paper & Spigot Plugins designed for The MegaHive
Apiary is under Heavy Development & isn't recommended for production servers.
- Bukkit Plugins Support! Just add folia-supported: true at the end of any plugin.yml.
- Various patches blending from other forks.
- ...
- 📫 Discord:
- 📫 Support Server:
Pre-built Jars can be found in the Releases Tab
Building a Paperclip JAR for distribution:
./gradlew applyPatches && ./gradlew createMojmapPaperclipJar && ./gradlew createReobfPaperclipJar
Paperweight files are licensed under MIT. Patches are licensed under MIT, unless indicated differently in their header. Binaries are licensed under GPL-3.0.
Also see PaperMC/Paper and PaperMC/Paperweight for the license of some material used by this project.
Thanks to these projects below. If these excellent projects hadn't appeared, Apiary would not have been so great.