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Added samtools to environment.yml #12

Added samtools to environment.yml

Added samtools to environment.yml #12

name: bifrost sp cdiff workflow
branches: ["main"]
branches: ["main"]
repository_dispatch: # webhook event to trigger this action workflow upon push to the submodule cdiff_fbi
- cdiff-fbi-webhook
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
os: ["ubuntu-latest"]
python-version: ["3.11"]
# Step 1: Checkout repository
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v3
submodules: 'true' #Initialize and update submodules -> git submodule init && git submodule update
# Step 2: Update submodule to the latest commit
- name: Update submodule
run: |
cd bifrost_sp_cdiff/cdiff_fbi
# Show the current commit hash before updating
CURRENT_COMMIT=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
echo "Current commit hash of cdiff_fbi before update: $CURRENT_COMMIT"
echo "Fetching latest changes from origin"
git fetch origin --tags
echo "Switching to the main branch and pulling latest updates"
git checkout main # or the specific branch you want to track
git pull origin main --tags # pull the latest changes
# Show the new commit hash after the update
LATEST_COMMIT=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
echo "Updated commit hash of cdiff_fbi after update: $LATEST_COMMIT"
# print the latest tag of cdiff_fbi
LATEST_TAG_COMMIT=$(git tag --sort=-creatordate --format '%(objectname)'|head -1)
LATEST_TAG=$(git tag --sort=-creatordate|head -1)
echo "Checking commit hash for the latest tag of cdiff_fbi: $LATEST_TAG_COMMIT"
echo "Checking the lastest tag of cdiff_fbi: $LATEST_TAG"
git checkout $LATEST_TAG_COMMIT
# Step 3: Set environment variables
- name: Set environment variables
run: |
echo "BIFROST_INSTALL_DIR='${{ github.workspace }}'" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Step 4: Extract version from and set ENV_NAME
- name: Set ENV_NAME
run: |
VERSION=$(grep "__version__" bifrost_sp_cdiff/ | cut -d "'" -f 2)
REPO_NAME=$(basename "${{ github.workspace }}")
# Echo the ENV_NAME to the log for debugging
echo "Setting ENV_NAME to: $ENV_NAME"
# Step 5: Build Docker image
- name: Build Docker image
run: |
docker build --build-arg BIFROST_DB_KEY="${{ secrets.MONGODB_ATLAS_TEST }}" --build-arg CONDA_ENV_NAME="${{ env.ENV_NAME }}" -t bifrost_sp_cdiff_image .
# Step 6: Run Docker container and execute the command
- name: Run Docker container
run: |
docker run --env BIFROST_DB_KEY="${{ secrets.MONGODB_ATLAS_TEST }}" --env CONDA_ENV_NAME="${{ env.ENV_NAME }}" bifrost_sp_cdiff_image