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support MuseScore style MusicXML voices within parts (fixes #72 on Gi…
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ssb22 committed Feb 7, 2025
1 parent 55df49d commit df5bbe8
Showing 1 changed file with 93 additions and 25 deletions.
118 changes: 93 additions & 25 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@

# Jianpu (numbered musical notaion) for Lilypond
# v1.830 (c) 2012-2025 Silas S. Brown
# v1.831 (c) 2012-2025 Silas S. Brown
# v1.826 (c) 2024 Unbored
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -634,6 +634,7 @@ def initOneScore(self):
self.inBeamGroup = self.lastNBeams = self.onePage = self.noBarNums = self.noIndent = self.raggedLast = self.separateTimesig = self.withStaff = 0
self.keepLength = 0
self.last_octave = self.base_octave = ""
self.octavesSeen = []
self.current_accidentals = {} # used to predict whether Lilypond will draw the accidental or not, for beam spacing purposes
self.barNo = 1
self.tuplet = (1,1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -709,6 +710,7 @@ def __call__(self,figures,nBeams,dots,octave,accidental,tremolo,word,line):
if not isChord: octave=addOctaves(octave,self.base_octave)
if not octave in [",,,",",,",",","","'","''","'''"]: scoreError("Can't handle octave "+octave+" in",word,line)
self.last_octave = octave
self.octavesSeen.append({",,,":-3,",,":-2,",":-1,"":0,"'":1,"''":2,"'''":3}[octave]) # for figuring out the best clef with WithStaff
self.last_tremolo = tremolo
if isChord: self.current_chord = word
else: self.current_chord = None
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -999,32 +1001,43 @@ def get_input():
def xml2jianpu(x):
from xml.parsers.expat import ParserCreate
xmlparser = ParserCreate()
ret = [] ; dat = ["",""]
mxlPosition,positionsInProgress,partsInProgress = [0,0],[0],[[]]
paddingRestList, paddingRestDict = [], {0:0}
ret = [] ; dat = ["",{}]
types={"64th":"h","32nd":"d","16th":"s","eighth":"q","quarter":"","half":" -","whole":" - - -"}
typesDot={"64th":"h.","32nd":"d.","16th":"s.","eighth":"q.","quarter":".","half":" - -","whole":" - - - - -"}
def s(name,attrs):
if name=="measure":
oldBarsig = barSig[0]
barSig[0] = keySig[0][:]
if barSig[1] is not None: barSig[0][barSig[1]]=oldBarsig[barSig[1]] # for tie
def c(data): dat[0] += data
def e(name):
d0 = dat[0].strip()
if name in ['work-title','movement-title']: ret.append('title='+d0)
elif name=='creator' and dat[1]=="composer": ret.append('composer='+d0)
if name in ['work-title','movement-title'] or name=='credit-words' and dat[1].get("justify","")=="center":
elif name=='creator' and dat[1].get("type","")=="composer" or name=='credit-words' and dat[1].get("justify","")=="right":
elif name=="part-name" or name=="instrument-name": partList[-1]=d0
elif name=="score-part": partList.append("")
elif name=="part": # we're assuming score-partwise
if partList:
del partList[0]
ret.append("WithStaff NextPart")
for p in partsInProgress:
if partList: ret.append('instrument='+partList[0])
ret.append("WithStaff NextPart")
del partsInProgress[:] ; del positionsInProgress[:]
mxlPosition[0]=mxlPosition[1]=0 ; del paddingRestList[:]
for k in list(paddingRestDict.keys()):
del paddingRestDict[k]
paddingRestDict[0] = 0
if partList: del partList[0]
elif name=="fifths":
if d0.startswith('-'): keyAcc,start,inc='b',4-1,4 # Bb (b)4
Expand All @@ -1035,32 +1048,57 @@ def e(name):
barSig[0] = keySig[0][:]
key = ["Gb","Db","Ab","Eb","Bb","F","C","G","D","A","E","B","F#"][int(d0)+6]
for k,v in list(paddingRestDict.items()):
if v==len(paddingRestList)-1: paddingRestDict[k] += 1
for n,p in enumerate(partsInProgress):
if positionsInProgress[n]==max(positionsInProgress):
elif name=="beats": time[0]=d0
elif name=="beat-type": time[1]=d0
elif name=="time":
tSig[0] = len(ret) # so anacrusis logic can come back and add to this
tSig[0] = [len(paddingRestList)] # so anacrusis logic can come back and add to this
tSig[1] = 0 # count quavers in 1st bar
elif name=="backup" or name=="forward": errExit("MusicXML import: multiple voices per part not implemented")
for k,v in list(paddingRestDict.items()):
if v==len(paddingRestList)-1: paddingRestDict[k] += 1
for n,p in enumerate(partsInProgress):
if positionsInProgress[n]==max(positionsInProgress):
else: tSig[0].append(None) # and hope anacrusis is fixed in paddingRestList before time signature gets copied to this part (TODO in theory this might not happen with all MusicXML generators)
elif name=="duration": mxlPosition[1] = int(dat[0].strip()) # last duration (could be inside note or backup,forward: handle when close)
elif name=="backup":
mxlPosition[0] -= mxlPosition[1]
mxlPosition[1] = 0
elif name=="forward":
mxlPosition[0] += mxlPosition[1]
mxlPosition[1] = 0
elif name=="measure" and not tSig[0]==None:
if not tSig[1]==int(time[0])*8/int(time[1]): ret[tSig[0]]+=","+{0.5:"16",0.75:"16.",1:"8",1.5:"8.",2:"4",3:"4.",4:"2",6:"2.",8:"1",12:"1."}[tSig[1]] # anacrusis
if not tSig[1]==int(time[0])*8/int(time[1]):
a = ","+{0.5:"16",0.75:"16.",1:"8",1.5:"8.",2:"4",3:"4.",4:"2",6:"2.",8:"1",12:"1."}[tSig[1]] # anacrusis
paddingRestList[tSig[0][0]] += a
for n,p in enumerate(tSig[0][1:]):
if not p is None: partsInProgress[n][p]+=a
elif name=="beat-unit": tempo[0]=typesMM.get(name,"4")
elif name=="beat-minute" or name=="per-minute": tempo[1]=d0
elif name=="metronome":
if tempo[0] and tempo[1]: ret.append("=".join(tempo))
if tempo[0] and tempo[1]:
for n,p in enumerate(partsInProgress):
if positionsInProgress[n]==max(positionsInProgress):
p.append("=".join(tempo)) ; break
tempo[0]=tempo[1]="" # for now we ignore <metronome> elements that don't specify all parameters
elif name=="step": note[0][0]=d0
elif name=="rest": note[0][0]="r"
elif name=="octave": note[0][1]=int(d0)
elif name=="accidental": note[0][2]=d0
elif name=="type": note[0][3]=d0
elif name=="dot": note[0][4]=1
elif name=="slur": note[0][5]+={"start":" (","stop":" )"}[dat[1]]
elif name=="tie": note[0][6]={"start":"~","stop":""}[dat[1]]
elif name=="slur": note[0][5]+={"start":" (","stop":" )"}[dat[1].get("type","")]
elif name=="tie": note[0][6]={"start":"~","stop":""}[dat[1].get("type","")]
elif name=="actual-notes": note[0][7]=d0
elif name=="tuplet": note[0][8]=dat[1]
elif name=="tuplet": note[0][8]=dat[1].get("type","")
elif name=="chord": note[0][9]=True
elif name=="grace": note[0][10]=True
elif name=="fermata": note[0][5] += r" \fermata"
Expand All @@ -1070,6 +1108,24 @@ def e(name):
elif name=="trill-mark": note[0][5] += r" \trill"
elif name=="mordent": note[0][5] += r" \mordent"
elif name=="note":
# Try to find which voice it goes onto, if we're MuseScore
# or similar and have parts as voices within a part.
# TODO: sometimes the XML will give us a voice or staff number; for now we just find the first one to fit
ourRet = ourI = None
for i,p in enumerate(positionsInProgress):
if p == mxlPosition[0]: # exact match
ourRet,ourI = partsInProgress[i],i ; break
if ourRet is None:
for i,p in enumerate(positionsInProgress):
if p < mxlPosition[0]: # match but need padding
ourRet,ourI = partsInProgress[i],i
ourRet.append(' '.join(paddingRestList[paddingRestDict[p]:])) # TODO: collapse to whole-bar rests when needed (low priority because this should not happen often)
if ourRet is None: # need new part
partsInProgress.append(paddingRestList[:paddingRestDict[mxlPosition[0]]]) # TODO: collapse to whole-bar rests when needed (as above)
ourRet,ourI = partsInProgress[-1],len(partsInProgress)-1
# Now OK to add the note to the part (voice)
step,octave,acc,nType,dot,extras,tie,tuplet,tState,chord,grace = note[0]
if step=="r": r="0"
Expand All @@ -1086,8 +1142,12 @@ def e(name):
if keySig[0][dTone%7]=="#": acc="" if acc=="#" else "b"
if keySig[0][dTone%7]=="b": acc="" if acc=="b" else "#"
if chord:
ret[prevChord[0]] += r ; return
if tState=="start": ret.append(tuplet+"[")
rr = prevChord[1][prevChord[0]]
prevChord[1][prevChord[0]] = rr.split()[0]+r+''.join([' '+x for x in rr.split()[1:]])
if tState=="start":
if not nType:
wantQ = int(time[0])*8/int(time[1])
nn = [k for k,v in quavers.items() if v==wantQ]
Expand All @@ -1096,17 +1156,23 @@ def e(name):
nn = [k for k,v in quavers.items() if v*1.5==wantQ]
if nn: nType,dot = nn[0],1
else: assert 0, "Full-measure note or rest at unrecognised bar length" # will probably need to split
if not tSig[0]==None: # we're counting the length of the first bar, for anacrusis
if not tSig[0]==None and ourI==0: # we're counting the length of the first bar, for anacrusis
tSig[1] += quavers[nType]
if dot: tSig[1] += quavers[nType]/2.0
if dot: d=typesDot
else: d = types
r += acc+d[nType]+' '
w1,w2 = r[:r.index(' ')],r[r.index(' '):]
if grace: w1="g["+w1+"]"
ret.append(w1+extras+' '+w2+' '+tie)
if tState=="stop": ret.append("]")
ourRet.append(w1+extras+' '+w2+' '+tie)
if tState=="stop":
ourRet.append("]") ; paddingRestList.append("]")
mxlPosition[0] += mxlPosition[1]
positionsInProgress[ourI] += mxlPosition[1]
mxlPosition[1] = 0
paddingRestDict[mxlPosition[0]] = len(paddingRestList)
xmlparser.StartElementHandler = s
xmlparser.CharacterDataHandler = c
xmlparser.EndElementHandler = e
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1687,6 +1753,8 @@ def process_input(inDat):
if notehead_markup.withStaff:
staffStart,voiceName = western_staff_start(inst)
average_octave = sum(notehead_markup.octavesSeen)*1.0/len(notehead_markup.octavesSeen)
if average_octave < -0.5: staffStart += r" \clef bass" # might want to say <0 but being conservative for now
ret.append(staffStart+" "+getLY(part,have_final_barline=False)[0]+" "+western_staff_end())
western = False
if lyrics: ret.append("".join(lyrics_start(voiceName)+l+" "+lyrics_end()+" " for l in lyrics))
Expand Down

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