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ssb22 committed Feb 20, 2025
1 parent 73406b9 commit 932851a
Showing 1 changed file with 13 additions and 13 deletions.
26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@

# Jianpu (numbered musical notaion) for Lilypond
# v1.837 (c) 2012-2025 Silas S. Brown
# v1.838 (c) 2012-2025 Silas S. Brown
# v1.826 (c) 2024 Unbored
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ def __call__(self,figures,nBeams,dots,octave,accidental,tremolo,word,line):
if self.current_chord: # a chord is currently in progress, and we're extending it with a tie
isChord = True
chord_ret,octave,placeholder_chord = chordNotes_markup(re.sub('[qsdh.]','',self.current_chord))
if not midi and not western: placeholder_chord = "c"
if not midi and not western: placeholder_chord = placeholder_chord[:-1].split()[-1] # just have one note of it for dashes
else: # not a chord, so we can assume len(self.last_figures)==1
placeholder_chord = placeholders[self.last_figures]
octave = self.last_octave # for MIDI or 5-line
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -798,7 +798,7 @@ def __call__(self,figures,nBeams,dots,octave,accidental,tremolo,word,line):
elif not isChord or figures.startswith("-"): # single note or rest
ret += placeholder_chord
if midi or western or not not_angka: ret += {"":"", "#":"is", "b":"es"}[accidental]
if not placeholder_chord=="r": ret += {"":"'","'":"''","''":"'''","'''":"''''",",":"",",,":",",",,,":",,"}[octave] # for MIDI + Western, put it so no-mark starts near middle C
if (midi or western) and not placeholder_chord=="r": ret += {"":"'","'":"''","''":"'''","'''":"''''",",":"",",,":",",",,,":",,"}[octave] # so no-mark starts near middle C
if add_cautionary_accidental: ret += "!"
ret += ("%d" % length) + dots
if self.rplacNextIfStillInBeam: self.rplacNextIfStillInBeam += ("r%d" % length) + dots + '['
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -879,17 +879,13 @@ def __call__(self,figures,nBeams,dots,octave,accidental,tremolo,word,line):
self.barPos = 0 ; self.barNo += 1
self.current_accidentals = {}
b4last,aftrlast = "",""
if invisTieLast:
if midi or western:
b4last, aftrlast = "", " ~"
if tremolo and placeholder_chord.startswith("<"):
aftrlast = "" # can't tie this kind of tremolo as of Lilypond 2.24 (get warning: Unattached TieEvent)
elif figures=='-' and not tremolo:
if not (tremolo and placeholder_chord.startswith("<")): aftrlast = " ~"
elif not tremolo:
# For attaching lyrics to long notes:
b4last,aftrlast = r"\once \override Tie #'transparent = ##t \once \override Tie #'staff-position = #0 "," ~"
b4last, aftrlast = "", ""
else: b4last,aftrlast = "",""
if figures=="x" and western: ret = r"\once \override = #'cross \once \override = ##t " + ret
if inRestHack: ret += " } " # end temporary voice for the "-" (non)-note
elif tieEnd: ret += ' '+tieEnd # end of JianpuTie curve
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1112,6 +1108,10 @@ def e(name):
elif name=="accent": note[0][5] += r" \accent"
elif name=="trill-mark": note[0][5] += r" \trill"
elif name=="mordent": note[0][5] += r" \mordent"
elif name in "ppppp pppp ppp pp p mp mf f ff fff ffff fffff fp sf sfz n rfz".split(): note[0][5] += " \\"+name
elif name=="words":
toAdd = r' ^"'+dat[0].strip().replace('"',"'")+'"'
if not toAdd in note[0][5]: note[0][5] += toAdd
elif name=="note":
# Try to find which voice it goes onto, if we're MuseScore
# or similar and have parts as voices within a part.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1710,13 +1710,13 @@ def getLY(score,headers=None,have_final_barline=True):
(3,"","2."), # 3 crotchets = dotted minim
(2,r"\.","2."), # in 6/8, 2 dotted crotchets = dotted minim
(2,"","2")]: # 2 crotchets = minim
out = re.sub("(?P<note>[^<][^ ]*|<[^>]*>)4"+dot+r"((?::32)?) +~(( \\[^ ]+)*) "+" +~ ".join(["(?P=note)4"+dot]*(numNotes-1)),r"\g<1>"+result+r"\g<2>\g<3>",out)
out = re.sub("(?P<note>[^<][^ ]*|<[^>]*>)4"+dot+r'((?::32)?) +~(( \\[^ ]+| [_^]"[^"]*")*) '+" +~ ".join(["(?P=note)4"+dot]*(numNotes-1)),r"\g<1>"+result+r"\g<2>\g<3>",out)
out = re.sub("r4"+dot+r'(( \\[^ ]+| [_^]"[^"]*")*) '+" ".join(["r4"+dot]*(numNotes-1)),"r"+result+r"\g<1>",out)
if dot: chkLen=6
else: chkLen = 4
out = re.sub(r"\\repeat tremolo "+str(chkLen)+r" { (?P<note1>[^ ]+)32 (?P<note2>[^ ]+)32 } +~(( \\[^ ]+)*) "+" +~ ".join(["< (?P=note1) (?P=note2) >4"+dot]*(numNotes-1)),r"\\repeat tremolo "+str(chkLen*numNotes)+r" { \g<1>32 \g<2>32 }\g<3>",out)
out = out.replace(" ".join(["r4"+dot]*numNotes),"r"+result)
out = re.sub(r"(\\repeat tremolo [^{]+{ [^ ]+)( [^}]+ })(( +\\[^b][^ ]*)+)",r"\g<1>\g<3>\g<2>",out) # dynamics need to attach inside the tremolo (but \bar doesn't)
out = re.sub(r"(%\{ bar [0-9]*: %\} | \\major ) *r(?=[^ ]* [| ]* (?:\\noPageBreak )?%\{ bar|\\bar)",r"\g<1>R",out)
out = re.sub(r'(%\{ bar [0-9]*: %\} | \\major ) *r(?=[^ ]*(?: [_^]"[^"]*")?[| ]* (?:\\noPageBreak )?(?:%\{ bar|\\bar|\}$))',r"\g<1>R",out)
out = out.replace(r"\new RhythmicStaff \with {",r"\new RhythmicStaff \with { \override VerticalAxisGroup.default-staff-staff-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 6) (minimum-distance . 6) (stretchability . 0)) ") # don't let it hang too far up in the air
if not_angka: out=out.replace("make-bold-markup","make-simple-markup")
return out,maxBeams,lyrics,headers
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