ARIS Technology LLC
- Batavia, IL, United States
- https://www.sites.google.com/view/srujanpanuganti
M19O2 open source hardware Oxygen Concentrator based on the Pressure Swing Adsorption cycle aka Skarstorm cycle
In this repository I will be documenting each steps to build a 4 wheel Mecanum Robot to assist you at home with ML algorithms, few sensors, motors and MCU
Python codes for advanced control
Autonomous ground robots (2WD, 4WD, Ackermann Steering, Mecanum Drive)
ROS nodes for controlling and monitoring a differential drive robot.
All Algorithms implemented in Python
Examples for playing with the coral edge TPU
A workout trainer Dash/Flask app that helps track your HIIT workouts by analyzing real-time video streaming from your sweet Pi using machine learning and Edge TPU..
Google Coral on the Raspberry Pi 4
solution of exercises of the book "probabilistic robotics"
Python sample codes and textbook for robotics algorithms.