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Added quadratic programming example for Gurobi in Python
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ScottCampit committed Jun 2, 2020
1 parent ef82c99 commit b9bd836
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions .idea/inspectionProfiles/profiles_settings.xml

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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions .idea/metabolicmodeling.iml

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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions .idea/misc.xml

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245 changes: 245 additions & 0 deletions MATLAB/expression-constrainers/CFR.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
function [ConstrainedModel, solution] = CFR(model, hyperparams, onreactions, offreactions)
%% CFR Using transcriptomics to compute context specific metabolic fluxes
% The *Constrained Flux Regulation* (|CFR|) function is a hybrid of the original
% iMAT algorithm (<
% Zur et al., 2010>) and the PROM algorithm (<
% Chandrasekaran et al., 2010>). An informal description of the algorithm is provided
% below:
% * Reactions associated with upregulated genes have their flux values maximized.
% * Reactions associated with downregulated genes have their flux values minimized.
% * If the |pfba| flag in the |hyperparams| structure is set to |true|, the
% sum of fluxes through the entire metabolic network is minimized. This provides
% a unique flux distribution.
% A more formal description of the algorithm can be found in <
% this book chapter>.
% |model|: A structure of the genome-scale metabolic model in COBRA format.
% |hyperparams|: A structure containing parameters for constraining the flux
% solution. You can read <
% this book chapter> for more details about individual parameters.
% |onreactions|: A cell array containing gene symbols or BiGG reaction names
% that are upregulated.
% |offreactions|: A cell array containing gene symbols or BiGG reaction names
% that are downregulated.
% |ConstrainedModel:| A structure of the transcriptomics-constrained genome-scale
% metabolic model.
% |solution:| A Gurobi structure containing the linear programming solution.

% Unpack params
epsilon = hyperparams.eps;
kappa = hyperparams.kap;
rho = hyperparams.rho;
mode = hyperparams.mode;
epsilon2 = hyperparams.eps2;
minfluxflag = hyperparams.pfba;
kappa2 = hyperparams.kap2;

% Set upregulated / downregulated to empty cell array if empty
if (~exist('onreactions')) || (isempty(onreactions))
onreactions = {};
if (~exist('offreactions')) || (isempty(offreactions))
offreactions = {};

% Find reactions associated with gene symbols
if (~exist('mode','var')) || (isempty(mode))
mode = 1;
elseif mode == 1
[~, ~, onreactions, ~] = deleteModelGenes(model, cellstr(onreactions));
[~, ~, offreactions, ~] = deleteModelGenes(model, cellstr(offreactions));
onreactions = unique(onreactions);
offreactions = unique(offreactions);

% Set penalty for downregulated reaction
if (~exist('kappa','var')) || (isempty(kappa))
kappa = ones(size(offreactions));
if numel(kappa) == 1
kappa = ones(size(offreactions));

% Set weight for upregulated reaction
if (~exist('rho','var')) || (isempty(rho))
rho = ones(size(onreactions));
if numel(rho) == 1
rho = ones(size(onreactions));

% Set the minimum flux for upregulated reactions
if (~exist('epsilon','var')) || (isempty(epsilon))
epsilon = ones(size(onreactions)) .* 1E-3;
if numel(epsilon) == 1
epsilon = repmat(epsilon, size(onreactions));

% Set the right hand side for downregulated reactions
if (~exist('epsilon2','var')) || (isempty(epsilon2))
epsilon2 = zeros(size(offreactions));

% Set Parsimonious Flux Balance Analysis
if isempty(minfluxflag)
minfluxflag = true;
if minfluxflag == true
kappa = [kappa(:); ones(size(setdiff(model.rxns, offreactions))) * 1E-4];
epsilon2 = [epsilon2(:); zeros(size(setdiff(model.rxns, offreactions)))];
offreactions = [offreactions(:); setdiff(model.rxns, offreactions)];

% Setup Gurobi model
tmp = model;
tmp.A = tmp.S;
tmp.obj = tmp.c;
tmp.rhs = tmp.b;
if (exist('model.csense','var')) && (~isempty(model.csense))
tmp.sense = model.csense;
tmp.sense(ismember(model.sense,'E')) = '=';
tmp.sense(ismember(model.sense,'L')) = '<';
tmp.sense(ismember(model.sense,'G')) = '>';
tmp.sense = repmat('=', [size(model.S, 1), 1]);
end =;
tmp.ub = model.ub;
tmp.vtype = repmat('C', size(model.S, 2), 1);
tmp.modelsense = 'max';
M = 10000;

%tmp.c = zeros(size(tmp.c));
%biomassPos = contains(tmp.rxns, 'biomass');
%tmp.c = biomassPos;

% Maximize the flux through reactions that have upregulated genes
function tmp1 = max_flux_through_oneactions(onreactions, tmp, epsilon, rho, M)
tmp1 = tmp;
for i = 1:length(onreactions)
onpos = find(ismember(tmp1.rxns, onreactions(i)));

% Set reaction in forward reaction to be active
newMet = size(tmp1.A, 1) + 1; newRxn = size(tmp1.A, 2) + 1;

tmp1.A(newMet, onpos) = 1;
tmp1.A(newMet, newRxn) = -(1 * epsilon(i) + M);
tmp1.rhs(newMet) = -M;
tmp1.sense(newMet) = '>';
tmp1.vtype(newRxn) = 'B';
tmp1.obj(newRxn) = 1 * rho(i); = 0;
tmp1.ub(newRxn) = 1;

% Set reaction in backward reaction to be active
newMet = size(tmp1.A, 1) + 1; newRxn = size(tmp1.A, 2) + 1;

tmp1.A(newMet, onpos) = 1;
tmp1.A(newMet, newRxn) = (1*epsilon(i) + M);
tmp1.rhs(newMet) = M;
tmp1.sense(newMet) = '<';
tmp1.vtype(newRxn) = 'B';
tmp1.obj(newRxn) = 1 * rho(i); = 0;
tmp1.ub(newRxn) = 1;

function tmp2 = min_flux_through_offeactions(offreactions, tmp, epsilon2, kappa)

tmp2 = tmp;
% Minimize flux through reactions that have downregulated genes
for j = 1:length(offreactions)
offpos = find(ismember(tmp.rxns, offreactions(j)));

% xi + si >= -eps2
% si >= 0
% rho(ri + si)
newMet = size(tmp2.A, 1) + 1;
newRxn = size(tmp2.A, 2) + 1;

tmp2.A(newMet, offpos) = 1;
tmp2.A(newMet, newRxn) = 1;
tmp2.rhs(newMet) = -1 * epsilon2(j);
tmp2.sense(newMet) = '>';
tmp2.vtype(newRxn) = 'C'; = 0;
tmp2.ub(newRxn) = 1000;
tmp2.obj(newRxn) = -1 * kappa(j);

% xi - ri <= eps2
% ri >= 0
newMet = size(tmp2.A, 1) + 1;
newRxn = size(tmp2.A, 2) + 1;

tmp2.A(newMet, offpos) = 1;
tmp2.A(newMet, newRxn) = -1;
tmp2.rhs(newMet) = epsilon2(j);
tmp2.sense(newMet) = '<';
tmp2.vtype(newRxn) = 'C'; = 0;
tmp2.ub(newRxn) = 1000;
tmp2.obj(newRxn) = -1 * kappa(j);

% Set params for Gurobi
params.outputflag = 0;
params.Threads = 2;
params.Seed = 314;
params.NumericFocus = 3;

up = max_flux_through_oneactions(onreactions, tmp, epsilon, rho, M);
up_and_down = min_flux_through_offeactions(offreactions, up, epsilon2, kappa);

% Solve using the Gurobi solver
ConstrainedModel = up_and_down;
solution = gurobi(ConstrainedModel, params);
grate = solution.x(logical(ConstrainedModel.c));

% Check and see if a biomass constraint was added onto the model. If
% too constrained, square it until a feasible flux solution is
% obtained.
%if model.ub(logical(ConstrainedModel.c)) < 1000
% while grate == 0
% tmp.ub(logical(ConstrainedModel.c)) = tmp.ub(logical(ConstrainedModel.c))^2;
% up = max_flux_through_oneactions(onreactions, tmp, epsilon, rho, M);
% up_and_down = min_flux_through_offeactions(offreactions, up, epsilon2, kappa);
% ConstrainedModel = up_and_down;
% solution = gurobi(ConstrainedModel, params);
% grate = solution.x(logical(ConstrainedModel.c));
% end

k = 1;
while grate == 0
epsilon2 = epsilon2 .* 0.1;
kappa = kappa .* 0.1;

up = max_flux_through_oneactions(onreactions, tmp, epsilon, rho, M);
up_and_down = min_flux_through_offeactions(offreactions, up, epsilon2, kappa);
ConstrainedModel = up_and_down;
solution = gurobi(ConstrainedModel, params);
grate = solution.x(logical(ConstrainedModel.c));

if k > 100
k = k + 1;
Binary file modified MATLAB/expression-constrainers/CFR.mlx
Binary file not shown.

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