Seamless integration of pre-commit git hooks with Nix
The goal is to manage commit hooks with Nix and solve the following:
Trivial integration for Nix projects (wires up a few things behind the scenes)
Provide a low-overhead build of all the tooling available for the hooks to use (naive implementation of calling nix-shell does bring some latency when committing)
Common hooks for languages like Python, Haskell, Elm, etc.
Run hooks as part of development and on your CI
(optional) Use binary caches to avoid compilation:
nix-env -iA cachix -f cachix use pre-commit-hooks
Integrate hooks to be built as part of
:let nix-pre-commit-hooks = import (builtins.fetchTarball ""); in { pre-commit-check = { src = ./.; # If your hooks are intrusive, avoid running on each commit with a default_states like this: # default_stages = ["manual" "push"]; hooks = { elm-format.enable = true; ormolu.enable = true; shellcheck.enable = true; }; # Some hooks offer custom settings that affect how they execute settings = { ormolu.defaultExtensions = [ "lhs" "hs" ]; }; }; }
$ nix-build -A pre-commit-check
to perform the checks as a Nix derivation. -
Integrate hooks to prepare environment as part of
:(import <nixpkgs> {}).mkShell { shellHook = '' ${(import ./default.nix).pre-commit-check.shellHook} ''; }
$ nix-shell
to executeshellHook
which will:- build the tools and
config file symlink which references the binaries, for speed and safe garbage collection - provide the
executable thatgit commit
will invoke
- build the tools and
use nix
- gofmt: Runs
go fmt
- gotest: Runs
go test
- govet
- revive
- staticcheck
: built-in formatter
- prettier
dhall format
: built-in formatter- clang-format
- hadolint
- editorconfig-checker
- actionlint
- tagref
- treefmt
- topiary
- checkmake
You must configure which languages should be formatted by clang_format
. For example to check both C and C++ files:
clang-format = {
enable = true;
types_or = [ "c" "c++" ];
Sometimes it is useful to add a project specific command as an extra check that is not part of the pre-defined set of hooks provided by this project.
Example configuration:
nix-pre-commit-hooks = import (builtins.fetchTarball "");
in {
pre-commit-check = {
hooks = {
# ...
# Example custom hook for a C project using Make:
unit-tests = {
enable = true;
# The name of the hook (appears on the report table):
name = "Unit tests";
# The command to execute (mandatory):
entry = "make check";
# The pattern of files to run on (default: "" (all))
# see also
files = "\\.(c|h)$";
# List of file types to run on (default: [ "file" ] (all files))
# see also
# You probably only need to specify one of `files` or `types`:
types = [ "text" "c" ];
# Exclude files that were matched by these patterns (default: [ ] (none)):
excludes = [ "irrelevant\\.c" ];
# The language of the hook - tells pre-commit
# how to install the hook (default: "system")
# see also
language = "system";
# Set this to false to not pass the changed files
# to the command (default: true):
pass_filenames = false;
Custom hooks are defined with the same schema as pre-defined hooks.
Given the following flake.nix
description = "An example project.";
inputs.pre-commit-hooks.url = "github:cachix/pre-commit-hooks.nix";
inputs.flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, pre-commit-hooks, flake-utils }:
flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
checks = {
pre-commit-check = pre-commit-hooks.lib.${system}.run {
src = ./.;
hooks = {
nixpkgs-fmt.enable = true;
devShell = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system}.mkShell {
inherit (self.checks.${system}.pre-commit-check) shellHook;
Add /.pre-commit-config.yaml
to the .gitignore
To run the all the hooks on CI:
nix flake check
To install pre-commit hooks developers would run:
nix develop
Everyone is encouraged to add new hooks.
Have a look at the existing hooks and the options.
There's no guarantee the hook will be accepted, but the general guidelines are:
- Nix closure of the tool should be small e.g.
< 50MB
. A problematic example:
$ du -sh $(nix-build -A go)
463M /nix/store/v4ys4lrjngf62lvvrdbs7r9kbxh9nqaa-go-1.18.6
- The tool must not be very specific (e.g. language tooling is OK, but project specific tooling is not)
- The tool needs to live in a separate repository (even if a simple bash script, unless it's a oneliner)