This repository contains examples for using AWeber's API to perform certain actions. Each sub-directory contains example scripts in a specific programming language.
You need an AWeber Developer account as well as an AWeber Customer account in order to run the examples. The AWeber API uses OAuth 1.0a to control and secure access to our system. Each sub-directory contains a script that will generate the necessary OAuth credentials but you need access to both the AWeber Developer and Customer accounts to generate a credential set.
AWeber Developer accounts are free accounts used to create applications for use by AWeber Customers. You can create a new developer account or access an existing one at
AWeber Customer accounts are used by small businesses, entrepreneurs, and email marketers to maintain relationships with their customers. Customer accounts applications created by developers to automate the management of their customer data or integrate their AWeber account with other services. You can get a trial customer account at
Once you have an AWeber Developer account and access to an AWeber Customer account, you need to create an application in the AWeber Developer account. The application is simply a name for a pair of OAuth tokens along with the access that the tokens require. Applications are easy to create so you can simply create one to run examples with. Log in to your Developer account and go to to create a new application. You will need the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret that are displayed for the application to run the examples.
Each sub-directory contains a script named get-access-tokens that will connect your application to an AWeber Customer account and record the generated tokens in a file that is used by the other scripts. You will need to run this script before you can run the other scripts. The following transcript is an example of running this script:
prompt$ ./get-access-token
Enter your consumer key: pT9ObgUOU8E8jbDzSiejjEFC
Enter your consumer secret: *******
Go to this url:
Log in and paste the returned verifier code here: RZx7nX
Updated credentials.json with your new credentials
You enter the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret associated with your
application. The Consumer Key is shown as pT9ObgUOU8E8jbDzSiejjEFC
in the
example. The script will initiate the OAuth handshake and generate a URL to
complete the connection. Open the URL in a web browser to connect your
application to an AWeber Customer account. After logging in you will be
directed to a page containing a verifier code that you will copy and
paste when running the get-access-tokens script. This is shown as RZx7nX
in the example. Once this process is completed, the OAuth tokens are stored
in a file that is read in by the other scripts so that you do not need to
paste the access tokens into each script.
Once you have retrieved the access tokens, you can run any of the scripts in the sub-directory that you retrieved access tokens in. See the README in each sub-directory for programming language specific instructions.