- Added report type --report=json to show the error list and total counts for all checked files
- Thanks to Jeffrey Fisher for the contribution
- PHP_CodeSniffer::isCamelCaps now allows for acronyms at the start of a string if the strict flag is FALSE
- acronyms are defined as at least 2 uppercase characters in a row
- e.g., the following is now valid camel caps with strict set to FALSE: XMLParser
- The PHP tokenizer now tokenizes goto labels as T_GOTO_LABEL instead of T_STRING followed by T_COLON
- The JS tokenizer now has support for the T_THROW token
- Symlinked directories inside CodeSniffer/Standards and in ruleset.xml files are now supported
- Only available since PHP 5.2.11 and 5.3.1
- Thanks to Maik Penz for the patch
- The JS tokenizer now correctly identifies T_INLINE_ELSE tokens instead of leaving them as T_COLON
- Thanks to Arnout Boks for the patch
- Explaining a standard (phpcs -e) that uses namespaces now works correctly
- Restricting a check to specific sniffs (phpcs --sniffs=...) now works correctly with namespaced sniffs
- Thanks to Maik Penz for the patch
- Docs added for the entire Generic standard, and many sniffs from other standards are now documented as well
- Thanks to Spencer Rinehart for the contribution
- Clearer error message for when the sniff class name does not match the directory structure
- Generated HTML docs now correctly show the open PHP tag in code comparison blocks
- Added Generic InlineHTMLSniff to ensure a file only contains PHP code
- Added Squiz ShorthandSizeSniff to check that CSS sizes are using shorthand notation only when 1 or 2 values are used
- Added Squiz ForbiddenStylesSniff to ban the use of some deprecated browser-specific styles
- Added Squiz NamedColoursSniff to ban the use of colour names
- PSR2 standard no longer enforces no whitespace between the closing parenthesis of a function call and the semicolon
- PSR2 ClassDeclarationSniff now ignores empty classes when checking the end brace position
- PSR2 SwitchDeclarationSniff no longer reports errors for empty lines between CASE statements
- PEAR ObjectOperatorIndentSniff now has a setting to specify how many spaces code should be indented
- Default remains at 4; override the indent setting in a ruleset.xml file to change
- Thanks to Andrey Mindubaev for the patch
- Squiz FileExtensionSniff now supports traits
- Thanks to Lucas Green for the patch
- Squiz ArrayDeclarationSniff no longer reports errors for no comma at the end of a line that contains a function call
- Squiz SwitchDeclarationSniff now supports T_CONTINUE and T_THROW as valid case/default breaking statements
- Squiz CommentedOutCodeSniff is now better at ignoring commented out HTML, XML and regular expressions
- Squiz DisallowComparisonAssignmentSniff no longer throws errors for the third expression in a FOR statement
- Squiz ColourDefinitionSniff no longer throws errors for some CSS class names
- Squiz ControlStructureSpacingSniff now supports all types of CASE/DEFAULT breaking statements
- Generic CallTimePassByReferenceSniff now reports errors for functions called using a variable
- Thanks to Maik Penz for the patch
- Generic ConstructorNameSniff no longer throws a notice for abstract constructors inside abstract classes
- Thanks to Spencer Rinehart for the patch
- Squiz ComparisonOperatorUsageSniff now checks inside elseif statements
- Thanks to Arnout Boks for the patch
- Squiz OperatorSpacingSniff now reports errors for no spacing around inline then and else tokens
- Thanks to Arnout Boks for the patch
- Fixed bug #19811 : Comments not ignored in all cases in AbstractPatternSniff
- Thanks to Erik Wiffin for the patch
- Fixed bug #19892 : ELSE with no braces causes incorrect SWITCH break statement indentation error
- Fixed bug #19897 : Indenting warnings in templates not consistent
- Fixed bug #19908 : PEAR MultiLineCondition Does Not Apply elseif
- Fixed bug #19930 : option --report-file generate an empty file
- Fixed bug #19935 : notify-send reports do not vanish in gnome-shell
- Thanks to Christian Weiske for the patch
- Fixed bug #19944 : docblock squiz sniff "return void" trips over return in lambda function
- Fixed bug #19953 : PSR2 - Spaces before interface name for abstract class
- Fixed bug #19956 : phpcs warns for Type Hint missing Resource
- Fixed bug #19957 : Does not understand trait method aliasing
- Fixed bug #19968 : Permission denied on excluded directory
- Fixed bug #19969 : Sniffs with namespace not recognized in reports
- Fixed bug #19997 : Class names incorrectly detected as constants