Become a sponsor to Georges.L
Hello fellow visitor !
Before all, let me introduce myself :)
- A brief resume about me, who am I ?
- I'm the co-author of Phpfastcache and it's derivatives (symfony bundle, drupal module etc..).
- Why would you be one of my Lucky sponsor ?
- Ensuring the long support of this library and eventually giving you some time to help you on custom Phpfastcache's integrations
- Is Phpfastcache Free ?
- Yes, completely. However the support, as an alone humain being, is really time-consuming for me and giving me back the equivalent of two coffees would be much appreciated !
Thanks you for sponsoring me if you came here for that goal ❤️
Featured work
A high-performance backend cache system. It is intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load. Well implemented, it can drops the database load to almost noth…
PHP 2,385 -
Cartographie des décès militaires et civils Françaises
TypeScript -
The symfony 3/Flex bundle for PhpFastCache integrating a phpfastcache service, a twig cache tag and a powerfull cache profiler integrated to the symfony profile
PHP 18 -
The Drupal 8 module for PhpFastCache providing you a fully customizable cache administration. The PhpFastCache module is a bootstrap-integrated module for better performances with huge Drupal Projects
PHP 5 -
[Bundle freshly re-maintained] Bundle to integrate Swagger in your Symfony3 REST API | Roadmap =>
JavaScript 2 -
A little utility to watch OVH travaux and get alerted in case of work in progress on per rules basis.