SpiceCRM KREST API (Core Release)
Welcome to the KREST API
KREST is the enhanced REST API that is built into SpiceCRM. If you are planning to use KReporter or SpiceCRM Mobile in conjunction with a regular SugarCRM system or SuiteCRM system you will need to download and install the KREST API since both components rely on this API and communicate with the backend systems using it. Continuously developed and updated to fit the latest technological trends.
This is the public core release.
Webserver Prerequisites
Version 5.6.* to 7.1.* are supported.
In your php.ini disable display errors. Find the line that sets the parameter and set it to Off
To enable the use of the KREST API apache needs to support url rewriting. In order to have the
capability the rewrite engine needs to be loaded.
Restart your webserver for the changes to take effect.
Detailed documentation can be found at www.spicecrm.io.
Download the files as ZIP file
Upload zip file using CRM administration > module loader and follow installation procedure
Do repair / rebuilt
You can get support in our community forums at community.spicecrm.io.
License SpiceCRM KREST is licensed as Open Source