Modifs PDFs is a Pyside2 App made with python. This code can generate installer file compatible Windows, Mac and Linux. An executable for Windows is already present in target : Modifs PDFsSetup.exe
The use of this app is pretty straight forward
If you installed Anaconda, you can create an environement by opening the anaconda prompt and taping the following:
create the environnement
conda create --name pdf
activate the environnement
conda activate pdf
clone the repo git
git clone
move to the project folder and install requirements
cd modifs-pdfs
pip install -r requirements
Move to code and create an executable
cd code
fbs freeze
and then create an installer
fbs installer
- Logo of the app is made by Dimitry Miroliubov from
- This app is strongly inspired by the PyConverter made by Thibault Houdon through its course Créer 5 applications de bureau avec Qt for Python (PySide2)