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core: add caching to two_columns
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sorawee committed Feb 17, 2024
1 parent 8baf30e commit 9b0808c
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Showing 5 changed files with 118 additions and 54 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
## 0.5 (2024-02-16)

* Improve performance in `two_columns` via the zipper data structure
and caching.

## 0.4 (2024-02-14)

* Fix a critical issue in `two_columns`: remove phantom spaces,
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion dune-project
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@


(version 0.4)
(version 0.5)

(using mdx 0.4)

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128 changes: 77 additions & 51 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,13 +5,21 @@ type 's treeof =
| One of 's
| Cons of 's treeof * 's treeof

let render_tree (renderer : Signature.renderer) (t: 's treeof): unit =
let rec loop (t: 's treeof) =
let render_tree (renderer : Signature.renderer) (t: string treeof): unit =
let rec loop (t: string treeof) =
match t with
| One v -> renderer v
| Cons (x, y) -> loop x; loop y
in loop t

let hashtbl_ref_and_set tbl key thk =
if Hashtbl.mem tbl key then
Hashtbl.find tbl key
let v = thk () in
Hashtbl.add tbl key v;

module Core (C : Signature.CostFactory) = struct
let global_id = ref 0
let next_id () =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,17 +186,8 @@ module Core (C : Signature.CostFactory) = struct

let empty = text ""

let fold_doc f ds =
match ds with
| [] -> empty
| x :: xs -> List.fold_left f x xs

let hard_nl = newline None

let (<$>) d1 d2 = d1 ^^ hard_nl ^^ d2

let vcat = fold_doc (<$>)

let two_columns (ds : (doc * doc) list) =
match ds with
| [] -> empty
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -270,12 +269,7 @@ module Core (C : Signature.CostFactory) = struct
let key = i * all_slots + c in
match table with
| None -> failwith "unreachable"
| Some tbl ->
if Hashtbl.mem tbl key then Hashtbl.find tbl key
let ml = f g d c i in
Hashtbl.add tbl key ml;
| Some tbl -> hashtbl_ref_and_set tbl key (fun () -> f g d c i)
else f g d c i
in g

Expand All @@ -286,34 +280,64 @@ module Core (C : Signature.CostFactory) = struct
| _ -> failwith "unreachable"

let do_two_columns self ds c =
let cache_row = Hashtbl.create 16 in
let cache_before = Hashtbl.create 16 in
let cache_after = Hashtbl.create 16 in
let left_ms = (fun (d1, _) -> self d1 c c) ds in
let left_any_tainted = List.exists
(fun ms ->
match ms with
| Tainted _ -> true
| _ -> false)
left_ms in
let build_choice c_sep before cur_left cur_right after =
let build_row d1 d2 =
d1 ^^
context (fun c_in _ ->
if c_sep >= c_in then
blank (c_sep - c_in)
cost (C.two_columns_overflow (c_in - c_sep)) empty) 0 ^^
let build_cached_row i left right =
hashtbl_ref_and_set cache_row (c_sep, i)
(fun () -> build_row left right)
let rec build_before (i, _, left, right) before =
hashtbl_ref_and_set cache_before (c_sep, i)
(fun () ->
(match before with
| [] -> empty
| before_hd :: before ->
build_before before_hd before) ^^
build_cached_row i left right ^^ hard_nl)
let rec build_after (i, _, left, right) after =
hashtbl_ref_and_set cache_after (c_sep, i)
(fun () ->
hard_nl ^^ build_cached_row i left right ^^
(match after with
| [] -> empty
| after_hd :: after -> build_after after_hd after))
(match before with
| [] -> empty
| before_hd :: before_tl -> build_before before_hd before_tl) ^^
build_row cur_left cur_right ^^
(match after with
| [] -> empty
| after_hd :: after_tl -> build_after after_hd after_tl)
let rec loop_limit
(before : (doc * doc) list)
(after_ms : measure_set list)
(after : (doc * doc) list) =
match (after_ms, after) with
| ([], []) -> fail
| (ms :: after_ms, (left, right) :: after) ->
let build c_sep ds = (fun (d1, d2) ->
d1 ^^
context (fun c_in _ ->
if c_sep >= c_in then
blank (c_sep - c_in)
cost (C.two_columns_overflow (c_in - c_sep)) empty) 0 ^^
d2) ds |> vcat |> fun d -> cost (C.two_columns_bias (c_sep - c)) d
(before : (int * measure_set * doc * doc) list)
(after : (int * measure_set * doc * doc) list) =
match after with
| [] -> fail
| ((_, ms, left, right) as tup) :: after ->
let build_choice c_sep ms =
(List.rev_append before ((evaled ms left.nl_cnt, right) :: after))
cost (C.two_columns_bias (c_sep - c))
(build_choice c_sep before (evaled ms left.nl_cnt) right after)
(match ms with
| Tainted mt ->
Expand All @@ -325,21 +349,20 @@ module Core (C : Signature.CostFactory) = struct
| [] -> fail
| m :: ms -> build_choice m.last (MeasureSet [m]) <|> loop_inner ms
loop_inner ms <|> loop_limit ((left, right) :: before) after_ms after)
| _ -> failwith "unreachable"
loop_inner ms <|> loop_limit (tup :: before) after)
(* NOTE: we can get the nl_cnt here to be precise with some tracking.
Do we want to do that? *)
let make_doc ms (d1, d2) =
let make_doc ms (d1, d2) (i, acc) =
let ms = match ms with
(* force evaluation, so that we can share the outer shell freely *)
| Tainted mt -> let m = mt () in Tainted (fun () -> m)
| MeasureSet _ -> ms
in (ms, (evaled ms d1.nl_cnt, d2))
in (i + 1, (i, ms, evaled ms d1.nl_cnt, d2) :: acc)
let get_measure_set () =
let (after_ms, after) = List.split (List.map2 make_doc left_ms ds) in
let d = loop_limit [] after_ms after in
let (_, after) = List.fold_right2 make_doc left_ms ds (0, []) in
let d = loop_limit [] after in
self d c c
if left_any_tainted then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -424,13 +447,13 @@ module Make (C : Signature.CostFactory): (Signature.PrinterT with type cost = C.
let nl = newline (Some " ")
let break = newline (Some "")

let (<$>) d1 d2 = d1 ^^ hard_nl ^^ d2

let flatten : doc -> doc =
let cache = Hashtbl.create 1000 in
let rec flatten ({ dc = dc; id = id; _ } as d) =
if Hashtbl.mem cache id then
Hashtbl.find cache id
let out = match dc with
hashtbl_ref_and_set cache id (fun () ->
match dc with
| Fail | Text _ -> d
| Newline None -> fail
| Newline (Some s) -> text s
Expand All @@ -449,18 +472,21 @@ module Make (C : Signature.CostFactory): (Signature.PrinterT with type cost = C.
(* There are at least two lines, so it can't be flattened *)
| TwoColumns _ -> fail
| Blank _ -> d
| Context _ | Evaled _ -> failwith "unreachable"
Hashtbl.add cache id out;
| Context _ | Evaled _ -> failwith "unreachable")
in flatten

let (<+>) d1 d2 = d1 ^^ align d2
let group d = d <|> (flatten d)

let (<->) x y = (flatten x) <+> y

let fold_doc f ds =
match ds with
| [] -> empty
| x :: xs -> List.fold_left f x xs

let hcat = fold_doc (<->)
let vcat = fold_doc (<$>)

let pretty_format_info ?(init_c = 0) (d : doc): string * C.t =
let buf = Buffer.create 16 in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -545,4 +571,4 @@ let default_cost_factory ~page_width ?computation_width () =
end: Signature.CostFactory with type t = int * int * int)
(* $MDX part-end *)

let version = "0.4"
let version = "0.5"
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pretty_expressive.opam
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# This file is generated by dune, edit dune-project instead
opam-version: "2.0"
version: "0.4"
version: "0.5"
synopsis: "A pretty expressive printer"
"A pretty printer implementation of 'A Pretty Expressive Printer' (OOPSLA'23), with an emphasis on expressiveness and optimality."
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35 changes: 34 additions & 1 deletion test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -351,6 +351,38 @@ let test_two_columns_factory_bias () =
(pretty_format_debug (two_columns [ ( d1 <|> d2 <|> d3, d_right1 ) ;
( d_below, d_right2 ) ]))

let test_two_columns_performance () =
let cf = Printer.default_cost_factory ~page_width:100 ~computation_width:200 () in
let module P = Printer.Make (val cf) in
let open P in
let rec make_lines (n : int): doc =
if n = 1 then text "x"
else text "x" <$> make_lines (n - 1)
let make_choices (k : int): doc =
let rec loop (i : int): doc =
let doc =
(make_lines i) <+>
text (String.make (k - i) 'a')
in if i = 1 then doc else doc <|> loop (i - 1)
in loop k
let d_left = make_choices 100 in
let d_right = text "zzz" in
let rec make_rows (k : int) =
if k = 0 then
(d_left, d_right) :: make_rows (k - 1)
let run () =
pretty_format_debug (two_columns (make_rows 100)) |> ignore;
Alcotest.(check string) "same string"
(run ())

let suite =
[ "choice; w = 80", `Quick, test_choice_doc_80;
"choice; w = 20", `Quick, test_choice_doc_20;
Expand All @@ -364,7 +396,8 @@ let suite =
"two_columns (3)", `Quick, test_two_columns_case_3;
"two_columns (regression phantom space)", `Quick, test_two_columns_regression_phantom;
"two_columns (cost factory - overflow)", `Quick, test_two_columns_factory_overflow;
"two_columns (cost factory - bias)", `Quick, test_two_columns_factory_bias ]
"two_columns (cost factory - bias)", `Quick, test_two_columns_factory_bias ;
"two_columns (performance)", `Quick, test_two_columns_performance ]

let () = "pretty expressive" [ "example doc", suite ]

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