Spelling out in code, what is described by Sean Corfield in the Identifying Foreign Keys section of the next.jdbc docs — navigating from one table to another using REBL
Assumes one can get REBL running. See Sean Corfield’s ~/.clojure/deps.edn for rebl-* aliases. FWIW, I used :rebl-11 for these explorations.
Sean Corfield’s Clojure 1.10’s Datafy and Nav blog post and Atom, Chlorine, and Cognitect’s REBL video (from around 6:40 there is a demo of navigating from one table to another)
Kasim Tuman’s Datafy and tap> in Clojure 1.10 blog post
Didier A.'s Can someone explain the arguments to nav ? discussion with Sean Corfield and Alex Miller
Stan Dyck’s Where does one place a nav function when implementing Navigable protocol? discussion with Sean Corfield
The Horse’s Mouth: clojure/datafy.clj and clojure/core/protocols.clj
Sean Corfield’s next.jdbc — next generation of clojure.java.jdbc
Sean Corfield’s datafy-nav-example — sample code
Christophe Grand’s support for datafy / nav in unrepl
Will Acton’s data REBL built for the web — actually can also work with JVM and node
Stuart Halloway’s reflector repository — bespoke use of datafy nav
Peter Hull’s Clojure 1.10 datafy/nav demo — implements Datafiable protocol for the Java class java.nio.file.Path and explore in REBL
Mark Bastian’s datafy playground — contains questions along with exploratory code for java.io.File and clojure.java.jdbc
Dimitrios Piliouras’s Datafiable/Navigable protocol extensions for the core java.time objects — A tiny Clojure library designed to complement the java.time API (introduced with Java 8)