Releases: software-mansion/react-native-executorch
What's Changed
- feat: optimize S2T modules, removed react-native-audio-api dependency (#140)
- fix: handle local files (#150)
- docs: update README with Product Hunt badge (#146)
- add missing curly braces to example code snippet (#143)
- ci: Add Android llama demo app build check (#133)
- docs: added seo optimization (#142)
- fix: remove redundant text from speech-to-text example app (#141)
- Remove abstract pre/postprocess from BaseModel (#123)
- feat: pre-commit code formatting (#107)
- docs: Add a note of Expo Modules requirement in the docs (#132)
- fix: Make yarn v1 work with react-native-executorch (#131)
Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.3.2
What's Changed
- fix: edit docs link by @mkopcins in #117
- chore: Bump react-native-executorch version to 0.3.0 by @jakmro in #118
- docs(readme): fix readme quickstart typo by @chmjkb in #120
- fix: fix bug in ocrs, remove node_modules from cv example app by @NorbertKlockiewicz in #122
- chore: update xcodeproj & podfiles in examples by @chmjkb in #124
- docs: add note about new architecture in readme and docs by @NorbertKlockiewicz in #127
- fix: make react-native-audio-api a peer dependency by @chmjkb in #126
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.3.1
We're excited to announce react-native-executorch v0.3.0. Packed with powerful new features to enhance your on-device AI experience 🎉
What's New
🗣️ Speech to Text– Transcribe your audio using Whisper and Moonshine
🎮 Speech to Text example - See how to integrate Speech to Text into your app
📖 OCR– Optical Character Recognition for extracting text from images
🚀 MPS Support – Optimized execution on iOS using Metal Performance Shaders
⚡ Hookless API – Run models outside of React components for greater flexibility
🧠 LLM Message History – Provide your LLMs with some context
⬇️ Background Model Downloads – Fetch models seamlessly in the background
📊 Benchmarks – Gain performance insights into AI models
🧪 vertical OCR - Experimental Optical Character Recognition for extracting vertical text from images
What's Changed
- docs: fix typo by @NorbertKlockiewicz in #70
- docs: correct title casing and minor typos by @chmjkb in #71
- docs: Add matching details section in the docs by @jakmro in #72
- fix: issue with isModelGenerating when switching between multiple models by @NorbertKlockiewicz in #73
- docs: Add landing page by @jakmro in #78
- docs: Improvements by @jakmro in #79
- Add video clip to README by @darthez in #85
- Update admonitions colors by @jakmro in #86
- chore: Add lefthook back by @chmjkb in #88
- fix typo tokenizer -> tokenizerSource by @mkopcins in #89
- feat: Hookless API by @jakmro in #82
- docs: Add a quickstart guide for Llama by @chmjkb in #91
- docs: Benchmarks by @jakmro in #92
- fix: Correct link in ExecuTorch bindings documentation by @jakmro in #93
- feat: Add MPS support by @jakmro in #102
- Use expo-file-system and expo-asset to fetch files by @jakmro in #97
- feat: Make third-party/ExecuTorchLib's forward() accept multiple inputs by @chmjkb in #83
- feat: Whisper by @chmjkb in #101
- fix: Remove duplicated native function in ArrayUtils.kt by @chmjkb in #106
- feat: ocr(ios) by @NorbertKlockiewicz in #84
- feat: LLM message history by @jakmro in #104
- feat: implemented vertical ocr by @NorbertKlockiewicz in #109
- design: change design of displaying ocr results by @NorbertKlockiewicz in #112
- feat: moonshine and whisper streaming by @mkopcins in #110
- docs: Add v0.3.0 documentation by @jakmro in #114
- changed isModelReady to isReady by @mkopcins in #115
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.3.0
What's Changed
We are proud to announce the v0.2.0 version of React Native ExecuTorch 🚀
With this release, you can easily integrate computer vision models into your React Native apps.
Support for computer vision models 👀 :
- useObjectDetection - SSDLite320 MobileNetv3 Large
- useStyleTransfer - Candy, Mosaic, Rain Princess, Udnie
- useClassification - EfficientNet V2 Small
A hook for interacting directly with the ExecuTorch C++ Module API ⛓️ :
With this release, we also drop support for the React Native's old architecture, focusing on Fabric.
As always, we provide pre-exported models on our HuggingFace organization
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.1.3...v0.2.0
What's Changed
- chore: update RnExecutorchModule.kt by @eltociear in #29
- Add templates for bug reports, feature requests and pull requests by @jakmro in #30
- ci: add llama example build (iOS) by @chmjkb in #32
- Send a request to config.json when downloading model from HF repository by @chmjkb in #31
New Contributors
- @eltociear made their first contribution in #29
Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.1.2
What's Changed
- Change homepage so it redirects to docs by @NorbertKlockiewicz in #13
- fix: fix missing types in example app, remove packed lib by @NorbertKlockiewicz in #14
- Change useLoadModels to useLLM in docs by @NorbertKlockiewicz in #19
- Add license link to LlamaRunner.h by @chmjkb in #15
- fix: remove import which crashes ios during build by @NorbertKlockiewicz in #16
- Add minimal supported versions for iOS & Android by @chmjkb in #20
- Replace docs title svgs, add favicon by @chmjkb in #22
- Add Llama model indication by @jakmro in #21
- Update by @jakmro in #23
- Update by @jakmro in #24
- Bump react-native-executorch version by @jakmro in #25
- Update build llama binary script to pull from GHCR by @chmjkb in #27
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.1.1