Made following changes to original package nhabuiduc/react-filter-box
- Exported
npx tsc --project tsconfig.typescript.json
npm i git+
A Simple filter box mainly used to filter data in Grid or Table, which supports Condition AND/OR, and struture Category-operator-Value. This library is inspired by React Structured Filter library, but built completely different based on PEGjs and CodeMirror
For example: Column1 contains value1 AND (Column2 == Ok)
- Support Syntax Highlight
- Support AutoComplete
- Allow to add/custom Operator
- Allow to custom AutoComplete rendering
- The result of filter is in Json format
Install react-filter-box using npm.
npm install react-filter-box
Import library, and default stylesheet.
import ReactFilterBox, {AutoCompleteOption,SimpleResultProcessing} from "react-filter-box";
import "react-filter-box/lib/react-filter-box.css"
Demo: , which includes source code.
Simple case:
import ReactFilterBox, {SimpleResultProcessing} from "react-filter-box";
import "react-filter-box/lib/react-filter-box.css"
export default class App extends React.Component {
this.options = [
columnField: "Name",
columnField: "Description",
columnField: "Status",
type:"selection" // when using type selection, it will automatically sugest all posible values
columnText: "Email @",
columnField: "Email",
var data = [];
var newData = new SimpleResultProcessing(this.options).process(data,expressions);
//your new data here, which is filtered out of the box by SimpleResultProcessing
return <div className="main-container">
<h2>React Filter Box</h2>
query:string: binding your text to query of Component
options:Option[]: array of option which helps to construct AutoComplete information.
export interface Option {
columnField:string; // required
columnText?:string; // optional
type: string; // require "text" or "selection"
data: any[]: (optional) data is used to construct AutoComplete only if you specify in options with type = "selection", which it will show all posibles values get from data
editorConfig: CodeMirror configuration options that will be passed through
to the CodeMirror editor.
strictMode: boolean defaults to false. Set to true to enforce that all categories and operators in the filter query are valid based on the options config. This validation is applied after the query is successfully parsed. When the onChange or onParseError events are raised the last argument will indicate if the filter is valid based and also indicate the first invalid item when the validation fails.
onChange(query: String, expressions: Expression[]|Error, validationResult: { isValid: boolean, message?: string }): event raised every change of query, together with expressions if parse is ok, otherwise is error. When strictMode is true, the validiationResult argument will indicate if the filter matches the options config,
interface Expression {
conditionType?: "OR" | "AND";
category?: string;
operator?: string;
value?: string;
to see more about the structure of Expression which parsed from query, please take a look at: unit test
onParseOk(expressions:Expression[]): event raised when parsing is ok. When strictMode is true, this also indicates that all categories and operators are valid based on the options config.
onParseError(error:Error, validationResult: { isValid: boolean, message?: string }): event raised when parsing error. When strictMode is true, the validiationResult argument will indicate if the filter matches the options config,
customRenderCompletionItem(self:HintResult,data:Completion, registerAndGetPickFunc:Function): ReactComponent: provide your custom AutoComplete Rendering for each Item.
- self:HintResult: ignore for now
- data:Completion:
export interface Completion{
value:string | Object; // Your value as text, Object if your custom AutoCompleteHandler return Object
type?:string; // "catetory" or "value" or "operator" or "literal"
- registerAndGetPickFunc:Function: you only call this function in case you want to handle the way user wants to select your value in AutoComplete popup.
In default behavior, user will press enter to select an item. But if for example, your component is DatePicker, and you want user to select any date, by clicking on your component, in order to achive that, you must call this method to register with system you want to handle this by yourself.
This method will return another function ** (value:string):void **, which you can call it and provide the value will be inserted into query.
You can look into file demo3.js for detail
autoCompleteHandler: BaseAutoCompleteHandler
- Run demo application
yarn start
- Run test
yarn test
- Package as library
yarn component-package