Version 0.12.1
This patch release updates the dependencies to their latest versions.
Under the hood:
- Bump junit to 4.13.2 (#330)
- Bump mockwebserver to 4.9.3 (#329)
- Bump junit-jupiter-api to 5.8.2 (#328)
- Bump guava to 31.1-jre (#327)
- Bump jackson-databind to (#326)
- Bump slf4j-simple to 1.7.36 (#325)
- Bump slf4j-api to 1.7.36 (#324)
- Bump okhttp to 4.9.3 (#323)
- Bump httpasyncclient to 4.1.5 (#322)
- Bump commons-codec to 1.15 (#321)