by kira
version 0.0.9
an interactive error screen for the love2d game engine.
on error, shows the stack, local variables, and the source code when available.
the newest version should be available here.
require 'error_explorer'
include error_explorer.lua
in your project and
it somewhere near the start of your program
when an error happens, press up
and down
(or k
) to move up and down on the stack, click on tables
in the variable view to expand them, and scroll with the
you can provide an optional table when requiring error explorer to provide options:
require 'error_explorer' {
-- change the limit of stack depth (default 20)
stack_limit = 20,
-- provide custom font for error / stack trace / variables
error_font = (16),
-- provide custom font for source code
source_font = (12),
-- provide `open_editor` to run a command when
-- clicking a source line (disabled in fused builds,
-- and when running from a file ending in .love, but
-- it's safer to remove this when distributing)
open_editor = function (filename, line)
-- for example using neovim remote
io.popen ('nvr --nostart ' .. filename .. ' +' .. line)
version 0.0.9:
- don't error when message is too long to fit on-screen
version 0.0.8:
- control-c to copy the error and traceback
version 0.0.7:
- collapse multiline variable values to one line
version 0.0.6:
- fix issue when the mouse module isn't available
version 0.0.5:
- added options table for configuring:
- stack limit
- fonts
- optional "open in editor" action
- use less cpu when idle
version 0.0.4:
- fix for non-string keys and multiline keys
version 0.0.3:
- handle when source file isn't available
version 0.0.2:
- automatically select the right stack frame at start
- don't print full stack contents to terminal by default
version 0.0.1:
- initial release