Sup. Here's short description. If you want to see details or to contact with authour - see our wiki
and Game1
, as you guessed, are projects for testing, they contains trash.
Serving for other package. Contains Random
- DateTime:
bool IsFromPast();
bool IsFromFuture();
- Enumerable:
IEnumerable<T> Shuffle<T>(Random rng);
bool SequenceEqualWithoutOrder<T>(IEnumerable<T> sequence);
- GraphicsDevice:
Texture2D Generate(int width, int height, Color color);
- generate texture in runtimeTexture2D Generate(int width, int height, Color color, int borderThick, Color borderColor);
- IComparable:
bool Between<T>(T bound1, T bound2);
T CantBeMore<T>(T cutoff);
- if this if more that cutoff, return cutoff, otherwise return thisT CantBeLess<T>(T cutoff);
- if this if less that cutoff, return cutoff, otherwise return this
- IList:
void FillWithRandomElements<T>(T min, T max, int capacity, Func<T, T, T> funcToGetNewRandomElement);
void Show<T>();
- print to console. I know, that it's bad, but I need it too often.
- StringBuilder:
void Trim(bool saveFirstSpace, bool saveLastSpace);
- String:
string FirstLetterToUpper();
bool IsComprisesOnlyLatinOrOnlyCyrillicSymbols(char[] canContains = null);
- canContains is symbols, that string can contain besides latin or cyrillic.bool IsComprisesWithLetters();
bool IsFramedWith(string symbol);
bool IsStartWithUpper();
- BigNumbers: in progress
- Bitwise. See code examples here
ulong BitsToNumber(bool[] bits);
- parseIEnumerable<bool> GetNextBit(ulong num);
- parse positive number to bits.IEnumerable<bool> GetBitsReversed(ulong num);
- same as previous, but bits are reading from other side.bool IsPowerOfTwo(ulong num);
ulong NextPowerOfTwo(ulong v);
- Compute next highest power of 2, e.g. for 114 it returns 128bool[] Add(bool[] lhs, bool[] rhs);
- Returns new array as sum of two arrays without overflowbool[] UnaryMinus(bool[] array);
- Make -(array) in twos-complementbool[] Invert(bool[] input);
- Invert (0 -> 1 and 1 -> 0) all bits in input arraybool[] Multiply(bool[] m, bool[] r);
- Modifies result array as multiple of two input arrays without overflow. Method uses Booth's multiplication algorithmbool[] ArithmeticRightShift(bool[] arr, int shift);
- Right shift without overflowbool[] Subtract(bool[] lhs, bool[] rhs);
- Returns new array as difference of two arrays without overflow
- Generator. See code examples here
- Labyrinth
- ISBN10
- Prime
- Text
- Graph: See code example here
- Other:
- KeyboardInputHelper: I wrote some wrap over KeyboardState, and after it I saw wrapper like this in Transistor game. So this is collective code. See code example here
- Position: class like Point or Vector2 in XNA, but you can change coords.
- Sort: some sorting algorithms. Just practice, but may be usefull. See code example here
- Search: same as Sort, but search. See code example here
- FastObjectAllocator: see more here. See code example here
- Enums:
- InputKeyPressType: OnUp/OnDown
- MouseButton: Left/Middle/Right
- Commands: Wait/MoveUp/MoveDown/MoveLeft/MoveRight
- Direction: Wait/Up/Down/Left/Right