Little Windows-App to cheat when playing wordle. It's also able to help solve the evil twin brother evilwordle.
I'm in no way, shape or form associated with the wordle creator(s) - I'm just a fan who thought it might be a fun project to code a little helper tool, because I'm not a native english speaker and never seem to be able to come up with my next guess..
It uses the the word list extracted from the source from wordle website - it reads the word-list from the included file - if you were to exchange that (keep the same name) it can use your own.
Either enter your first guess into line one - or click FILTER to get suggestions.
If you want to use a suggestion, just double click it.
Enter the same word in wordle. Now double click the letters that returned yellow or green to change their colors in the helper, so it matches the wordle result.
Click evaluate again.
Choose a new suggestion and continue until you win (or lose - no guarantee here..)
If it works it looks like this: