#98 Split modules for opentelemetry and fault tolerance support
#97 Upgrade to LangChain4J 1.0.0.beta1
#96 Adding a beans.xml file to enable those beans to be discovered.
#95 Updated Langchain4J to version 1.0.0-beta1 and also the corresponding Telemetry classes to conform to the new Langchain4J ChatLanguageModel.
#93 Trying to clean things
#92 Moved Fault Tolerance to its own module.
#91 Updated to support CDI creation for RAG support and streaming and add…
#89 Bump version.weld from 5.1.4.Final to 5.1.5.Final
#86 Added support for Metrics and Telemetry tracing using Microprofile Metrics & Microprofile Telemetry respectively.
#85 fix #84 : upgrading langchain4j to 1.0.0-alpha1
#81 Feature add fault tolerance
#79 Feature add fault tolerance
#77 Bump version.weld from 5.1.3.Final to 5.1.4.Final
#76 Feature enable rag cdi
#75 Feature add microprofile opentelemetry
#73 Bump dev.langchain4j:langchain4j from 0.36.1 to 0.36.2
#35 Investigate RAG scenario
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