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Axolootl Model Settings

Sky James edited this page Nov 27, 2023 · 3 revisions


The Axolootl Model Settings are a part of the Axolootl Variant. It contains information about the axolootl model, texture, and colors.


  • primary_color (number|string) Optional
    • The color of the axolootl body. Accepts a packed integer or hexadecimal format string. Defaults to no color.
  • secondary_color (number|string) Optional
    • The color of the axolootl extremities. Accepts a packed integer or hexadecimal format string. Defaults to no color.
  • texture (namespaced ID) Optional
    • The entity texture location that will not be recolored. The file must be located at assets/[namespace]/textures/entity/axolootl/[path].png. Optional. Defaults to axolootl:axolotl_lucy
  • primary_texture (namespaced ID) Optional
    • The entity texture location to be recolored using the primary color. The file must be located at assets/[namespace]/textures/entity/axolootl/[path].png.
  • secondary_texture (namespaced ID) Optional
    • The entity texture location to be recolored using the secondary color. The file must be located at assets/[namespace]/textures/entity/axolootl/[path].png.
  • entity (namespaced ID) Optional
    • The ID of the GeckoLib model file. The file must be located at assets/[namespace]/geo/entity/axolootl/[path].geo.json. Defaults to axolootl:axolootl
  • animations (namespaced ID) Optional
    • The ID of the GeckoLib animations file. The file must be located at assets/[namespace]/animations/entity/axolootl/[path].animation.json. Defaults to axolootl:axolootl. Must contain the following animations:
      • "animation.axolootl.walk"
      • "animation.axolootl.swim"
      • "animation.axolootl.idle"
      • "animation.axolootl.swim_idle"
      • "animation.axolootl.play_dead"

JSON Format

  "primary_color": "fff847", # the primary color
  "secondary_color": "d17800", # the secondary color
  "entity": "axolootl:axolootl", # the GeckoLib .geo.json model file
  "animations": "axolootl:axolootl", # the GeckoLib .animation.json animation file
  "texture": "axolootl:axolootl_base", # the root texture, will not be recolored
  "primary_texture": "axolootl:axolootl_primary", # the texture to recolor using the primary color
  "secondary_texture": "axolootl:axolootl_secondary" # the texture to recolor using the secondary color
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