Smart contract security is a top priority for Aura, see Security documentation .
If you have any feedback or concerns, reach out to [email protected]
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
$ yarn install
Compile the smart contracts with Hardhat:
$ yarn compile
Compile the smart contracts and generate TypeChain artifacts:
$ yarn typechain
Lint the Solidity code:
$ yarn lint:sol
Lint the TypeScript code:
$ yarn lint:ts
Run the Mocha tests:
$ yarn test
Run fork tests
$ yarn test:fork:all
Running in fork mode
$ NODE_URL=<FORK_URL> yarn task:fork <TASK_NAME>
Running task normally
$ NODE_URL=<NODE_URL> yarn task --network <NETWORK> <TASK_NAME>
Generate the code coverage report:
$ yarn coverage
Delete the smart contract artifacts, the coverage reports and the Hardhat cache:
$ yarn clean
This runs a local node on your system, that can be used with Metamask, etc.
Run a local fork:
npx hardhat node --fork<API_KEY> --port <PORT>
Once you stake or lock CVX you may want to progress timestamps to check rewards stuff
yarn task timeTravel --duration 69420 --network forking
Contract | Address |
AuraArbBalGrant | 0x8D803f7f7e26E586ee90E5A872cf7830e21f7727 |
Contract | Address |
create2Factory | 0x2E1ADE7233e886D8041Fd7c3b87523F3DDC2169D |
Contract | Address |
auraClaimZap | 0x623B83755a39B12161A63748f3f595A530917Ab2 |
booster | 0x7818A1DA7BD1E64c199029E86Ba244a9798eEE10 |
boosterOwner | 0xFa838Af70314135159b309bf27f1DbF1F954eC34 |
boosterHelper | 0x00a31B98c325A8dcb8d1Dd41d65156A5C898F38c |
claimFeesHelper | 0xCEeCeA8035e81C1148210DB3b2f870F470CC81bf |
cvxCrvRewards | 0x5e5ea2048475854a5702F5B8468A51Ba1296EFcC |
extraRewardStashV3 | 0xF9C0f3431F859e773eD052758052e06B6D175742 |
masterChefRewardHook | 0x6a29cFd8A5F666A7D69da9437CD4c46616326815 |
poolManager | 0xf843F61508Fc17543412DE55B10ED87f4C28DE50 |
poolManagerProxy | 0x16A04E58a77aB1CE561A37371dFb479a8594947A |
poolManagerSecondaryProxy | 0xdc274F4854831FED60f9Eca12CaCbD449134cF67 |
proxyFactory | 0x7eD9003C6003EaCe1e8C3ae99F0Bb19894377b0F |
rewardFactory | 0x45aaD11F2FA2C215bc9686eb6f06D46E0474F356 |
stashFactory | 0x95171c9Ef5cA540A6d3502e9547fcFE022458Eb5 |
tokenFactory | 0xb6CE51DEE8BD4A2Fd11c01205414dc26f0b453AC |
| auraBalVault BBUSDHandler (v2) | 0xC4eF943b7c2f6b387b37689f1e9fa6ecB738845d | | extraRewardStashV3 | 0x37C3EBfD4b0cF66DF19a413e92dd21E556915F98 | | poolManager | 0xB58Eb197c35157E6F3351718C4C387D284562BE5 | | gaugeMigrator | 0x7954bcDce86e86BeE7b1dEff48c3a0b9BCCe578B |