send messages to a discord server channel without even opening discord
the software requires you to have the following things before you start :
- Discord account
- Be in a server Now with that clear lets get to know how to use it so the app has 3 input options which are listed bellow :
- Message : The message that you want to send such as "hello world" or anything you wish
- Auth Token : This is a token attached to your id which basically allows discord to identify it is your account so you can get it by going to your discord web app and opening the devloper tools and going to the networks tab and send a message in the server which you want to automate now you will see a message named option in the networks section after sending a message in there look for a authorization token and copy it and at the top you will see a discord url in the message tab of network something like "" copy that too for next section *channel and server : the link we copied from the last part should look like this "" paste this link in the server and channels input note that you should be in the server to work this.
*Start : This will trigger the message and send it to the server *Stop : this will end the window
Note : we do not adivce to use in spamming as ur account will get banned or timed out if you will try to spam so please use the app for its inteded purpose
Thanks for checking this project out let us know of any possible bug in the issues tab