Favorite Locations allows a user to add quick links to their favorite (read: most-accessed) redmine pages right on their home page.
All of these links will be saved per user and shown on the home page, project overview pages, project issue pages and project wiki pages. We find these are our most-viewed pages, so the quick links here are the most valuable for us. If you want to hook into other pages send us a Github issue.
This plugin works best with the Unicorn web server. This is because after a link's been created it scrapes that page for the title and displays that as the text for the link. Scraping one's own site causes problems in threaded server environments, so as a workaround the scraping is performed 3 seconds after the creation of the link. As a result, when using a non-Unicorn server, any link text changes will only be seen after a refresh.
Clone latest version of plugin from git, install it to plugins. From redmine APP ROOT:
If inside a git project already:
$ git submodule add [email protected]:mentel/redmine-favorite-locations.git plugins/favorite_locations $ git commit -m "add plugin 'favorite_locations' as submodule"
$ git clone [email protected]:mentel/redmine-favorite-locations.git plugins/favorite_locations
Make sure your plugin folder name is favorite_locations
bundle install
Run the plugin migrations:
$ bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=favorite_locations RAILS_ENV=production
Plugin should work now.