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Play Minecraft 1.8 in your browser, supports singleplayer and multiplayer with a javascript modding API

EaglercraftX 1.8 Screenshot Main Menu

EaglerForge mods menu screenshot


This repository contains:

  • Utilities to decompile Minecraft 1.8 and apply patch files to it
  • Source code to provide the LWJGL keyboard, mouse, and OpenGL APIs in a browser
  • Patch files to mod the Minecraft 1.8 source code to make it browser-compatible
  • Browser-modified portions of Minecraft 1.8's open-source dependencies
  • Plugins for Minecraft servers to allow the Eagler client to connect to them
  • a javascript modding API

This repository does NOT contain:

  • Any portion of the decompiled Minecraft 1.8 source code or resources
  • Any portion of Mod Coder Pack and its config files
  • Data that can be used alone to reconstruct portions of the game's source code
  • Software configured by default to allow users to play without owning a copy of Minecraft

Getting Started:

To compile the latest version of the client, on Windows:

  1. Make sure you have at least Java 11 installed and added to your PATH
  2. Download (clone) this repository to your computer
  3. Double click CompileLatestClient.bat, a GUI resembling a classic Windows installer should open
  4. Follow the steps shown to you in the new window to finish compiling

To compile the latest version of the client, on Linux/macOS:

  1. Make sure you have at least Java 11 installed
  2. Download (clone) this repository to your computer
  3. Open a terminal in the folder the repository was cloned to
  4. Type chmod +x and hit enter
  5. Type ./ and hit enter, a GUI resembling a classic Windows installer should open
  6. Follow the steps shown to you in the new window to finish compiling

Launch Options

The EaglercraftX 1.8 client is configured primarily through a variable called window.eaglercraftXOpts that must be set before the client starts up.

The default eaglercraftXOpts values are this:

const relayId = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
window.eaglercraftXOpts = {
    demoMode: false,
    container: "game_frame",
    assetsURI: "assets.epk",
    localesURI: "lang/",
    worldsDB: "worlds",
    servers: [
        { addr: "ws://localhost:8081/", name: "Local test server" }
    relays: [
        { addr: "wss://", comment: "lax1dude relay #1", primary: relayId == 0 },
        { addr: "wss://", comment: "lax1dude relay #2", primary: relayId == 1 },
        { addr: "wss://", comment: "ayunami relay #1", primary: relayId == 2 }

List of available options

  • container: the ID of the HTML element to create the canvas in (required)
  • assetsURI: the URL of the assets.epk file (required)
  • localesURI: the URL where extra .lang files can be found
  • worldsDB: the name of the IndexedDB database to store worlds in
  • demoMode: whether to launch the game in Java edition demo mode
  • servers: a list of default servers to display on the Multiplayer screen
  • relays: the default list of shared world relays to use for invites
  • checkShaderGLErrors: enables more verbose OpenGL error logging for the shaders
  • enableDownloadOfflineButton: whether to show a "Download Offline" button on the title screen
  • downloadOfflineButtonLink: overrides the download link for the "Download Offline" button
  • html5CursorSupport: enables support for showing the CSS "pointer" cursor over buttons
  • allowUpdateSvc: enables the certificate-based update system
  • allowUpdateDL: allows the client to download new updates it finds
  • logInvalidCerts: print update certificates with invalid signatures to console
  • enableSignatureBadge: shows a badge on the title screen indicating if the digital signature is valid
  • checkRelaysForUpdates: proprietary feature used in offline downloads
  • mods a list of mods you want to load into the game when it launches


EaglerForge based on eaglercraft u27







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  • Java 97.1%
  • GLSL 2.6%
  • JavaScript 0.2%
  • HTML 0.1%
  • Batchfile 0.0%
  • Shell 0.0%