This is a set of tools to convert, test and help maintain SPARQL query examples.
The code comes from the SIB SPARQL Examples project.
For this code to work each query should be in a turtle file.
Each SPARQL query is itself in a turtle file. We use the following ontologies for the basic concepts.
- ShACL for the relation to the text of the Select/Ask queries, and declaring prefixes
- RDFS for comments and labels as shown in the user interfaces
- RDF for basic type relations
- for the target SPARQL endpoint and tagging relevant keywords
The following illustrates an example to retrieve all taxa from the UniProt SPARQL endpoint.
prefix ex: <> # <!-- change per dataset
prefix sh: <>
prefix rdf: <>
prefix rdfs:<>
ex:1 # <!-- UniProt, Rhea and Swiss-Lipids are numbered but this can be anything.
a sh:SPARQLSelectExecutable, sh:SPARQLExecutable ;
sh:prefixes _:sparql_examples_prefixes ; # <!-- required for the import of the prefix declarations. Note the blank node
rdfs:comment """A comment <em>May have HTML in them</em>. Example: Select all taxa from the <a href=\"\">UniProt taxonomy</a>"""^^rdf:HTML ;
sh:select """PREFIX up: <>
SELECT ?taxon
?taxon a up:Taxon .
}""" ;
schema:target <> ;
schema:keywords "taxa".
If you want to add a label to a query please use the keywords.
If using a release:
mkdir target
wget ""
mv sparql-examples-utils-2.0.10-uber.jar target
# This target directory is only so that the commands in the examples match as if the code was build locally.
# basically target/ can be remove from all examples below
If building locally in this git repository:
mvn package
To test your examples pass the folder/directory containing your examples as an argument (--input-directory
to the test
subcommand, e.g.:
java -jar target/sparql-examples-utils-*-uber.jar test --input-directory=../sparql-examples/examples
The queries can be executed automatically on all endpoints they apply to using an extra argument for the test --also-run-slow-tests
. This does change the queries to add a LIMIT 1
if no limit was set in the query.
java -jar target/sparql-examples-utils-*-uber.jar test --input-directory=../sparql-examples/examples -p MetaNetX --also-run-slow-tests
All CLI commands provided in this readme expects you have the sparql-examples
folder cloned in the same directory alongside this sparql-examples-utils
project folder. Feel free to change them for your own example folder and path.
Before loading the examples into a SPARQL endpoint they should be concatenated into one file, including the prefixes/namespaces definitions.
Compile all query files for a specific example subfolder, into a local turtle file:
java -jar target/sparql-examples-utils-*-uber.jar convert -i ../sparql-examples/examples -p Bgee -f ttl > examples_Bgee.ttl
Or compile all subfolders as JSON-LD to the standard output:
java -jar target/sparql-examples-utils-*-uber.jar convert -i ../sparql-examples/examples -p all -f jsonld
For easier use by other tools we can also generate .rq
files. Following the syntax of allowing to use these queries as HTTP APIs.
java -jar target/sparql-examples-utils-*-uber.jar convert -i ../sparql-examples/examples -p all -r
If you already have a set of sparql examples in '*.rq' files then one can try to import then with:
java -jar target/sparql-examples-utils-*-uber.jar import-rq -i ../${DIRECTORY_WITH_EXAMPLES_IN_RQ_FILES} -b ${BASE_IRI}
This attempts to extract metadata as expressed using the approach. Prefixes are collected as map, which might lead to issues if they are not unique in the set.
The base IRI should be the space where you will store the examples and where they can be dereferenced.
Generate markdown files with the query and a mermaid diagram of the queries, to be used to deploy a static website for the query examples.
java -jar target/sparql-examples-utils-*-uber.jar convert -i ../sparql-examples/examples -m
As the SPARQL examples are themselves RDF, they can be queried for as soon as they are loaded in a SPARQL endpoint.
PREFIX sh: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX spex: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?sq ?comment ?query
?sq a sh:SPARQLExecutable ;
rdfs:comment ?comment ;
sh:select|sh:ask|sh:construct|spex:describe ?query .
} ORDER BY ?sq
java -jar target/sparql-examples-utils-*-uber.jar convert --input-directory ../sparql-examples/examples > examples_all.ttl
sparql --data examples_all.ttl "SELECT ?query (GROUP_CONCAT(?target ; separator=', ') AS ?targets) WHERE { ?query <> ?target } GROUP BY ?query HAVING (COUNT(DISTINCT ?target) > 1) "
The project is ready to be compiled by the native-image tool of the GraalVM project.
To do so set your JAVA_HOME
to the graalvm location and user maven package -Pnative
e.g. on linux with graalvm installed in your $HOME/bin
export JAVA_HOME=$HOME/bin/graalvm-jdk-${GRAALVM_VERSION}
mvn package -Pnative
# Then there is now a local native binary that you can use to convert all entries
./target/sparql-examples-utils converter -i ${DIRECTORY_WITH_EXAMPLES}
If you reuse any part of this work, please cite the arXiv paper:
title={A large collection of bioinformatics question-query pairs over federated knowledge graphs: methodology and applications},
author={Jerven Bolleman and Vincent Emonet and Adrian Altenhoff and Amos Bairoch and Marie-Claude Blatter and Alan Bridge and Severine Duvaud and Elisabeth Gasteiger and Dmitry Kuznetsov and Sebastien Moretti and Pierre-Andre Michel and Anne Morgat and Marco Pagni and Nicole Redaschi and Monique Zahn-Zabal and Tarcisio Mendes de Farias and Ana Claudia Sima},
These utils have a mode to extract queries from wikibase instances.
For example to extract the queries from factgrid into a separate example directory.
java -jar target/sparql-examples-utils-*-uber.jar \
wikibase \
-e [email protected] \
-o $HOME/git/wikibase-sparql-examples/examples/FactGrid \
-s \
Make sure JavaDoc has no ERRORs
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:3.11.2:jar
Prepare release, remember tag starts with 'v' e.g. 'v2.0.12'
mvn release:prepare
mvn release:perform